Nah, these aren’t dongs. They’re definitely uteran, in honor of Women’s History Month!
Chodecolate cockies?
deleted by creator
Um, if that’s a cervix she’s gonna have some complications.
ah, the uteram
I can see ram-shaped. Pretty neat! Though you should consider selling these as art pieces given the layers here.
You got twist-teste weens.
Change the name of the community to Mildly Hilarious
This is like that old woman/young woman optical illusion.
Do you see ovaries or dicks?
Ovaries. But I can see why some see dicks in them.
Hmm…better put some eyebrows on em. Big, bushy ones.
Let’s see what they look like after baking?
Op next time maybe poke some eyes and nose holes into the ram as a facial feature so people can better piece it together. It does look phalic that middle right one straight up has foreskin, I mean come on you really dont see it?
Those look like rams to me
Thank you! I’m getting clowned irl cause people see… phallic stuff.😔
Ask then how small their penises are if these look phallic to them…
Hey now, they also somewhat resemble a typical diagram of a vagina, utuerus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Never realized how much that looks like a ram.
Tell those Phillistines that they are not penises. Those are obviously ovaries and uterus.
Kinda seemed more like a uterus to me, tip doesn’t stick out enough to look like a dick unless that’s what you were trying to see TBH.
Some people just don’t grow up.
Is that poppy? You would need to add details for eyes etc (or an alternative). As soon as something has eyes and a mouth, we automatically recognize it as a “living being”. Anyway looks tasty
Was gonna say, these could easily be modified a bit to make people recognize them as rams more reliably.
*For the people who are interested
All it takes is 2 dots and 1 line and our brain is tricked and automatically recognizes a face. The phenomenon is called Pareidolie
Now its more of a demon creature lol
Just say inspired by Diablo - Goatmen
Yes, it’s poppy.
While most of them are debatable, the middle right is objectively a penis. Sorry OP.
Some do have a slight phallic essence to them but… Just draw a face with a knife or prinkles or whatever fits the theme and it’s fine.
It is always a question of perspective.
Like trying to get two people sitting opposite agree on whether the number is a 6 or a 9.
Run around fast enough and get 8
Needs more veins.
Something about this looks suspicious.
I’m gonna ask my wife if she wants to be rammed tonight and then give her these cookies.
Nice cookies 🐏🐏
I mean, it’s better then asking if she wants to be rammed, and then running her over with your dodge ram truck. Hey, she said she wanted a BBC, and you gave it to her…a Big Boy Car! And what color is it? Ehhhh, kind of a dark chocolate mix…
Could definely ram with those