• kryllic@programming.dev
    2 months ago
    • The “week of fights” as it was later called, where we went on soft lockdown four days in a row due to community violence. First time was because a guy with a crowbar was trying to break the front door windows of the school to get in. His brother or something was going to fight someone and I guess he wanted to be there to help. The other times were also due to fights involving members of two families if I recall correctly, it was really weird.
    • One student threw a textbook of another student on the roof of the school, who just so happened to be affiliated with some gang. He and his brother beat him up outside my bus, where a well-placed punch sprayed blood on my window.
    • Star basketball player decided it would be a good idea to commit armed robbery the day before graduation.
    • A twitter account was created that would post the name of a senior girl and their “rank” in terms of “hotness” a few times a day. No one could figure out who was behind the account, although I think there was a shortlist of potentials.
    • Another twitter account was created that looked like the school district’s official twitter page, which posted that school was canceled due to snow. Well about half the kids believed it and didn’t show up, so the school was a total ghost town that day, and none of the teachers did any real teaching since most of them had so few students