There is evidence that standing is better for the human body than sitting. For work we have standing desks for computer work and such. Some aim to stand 8+ hours a day.
What about for other activities? How do the unemployed, retired, and homemarkers get in enough standing? Are there good ways to stand while reading a book, or sipping a coffee and enjoying the dawn?
This is why I do a lot on my kitchen counter. Sometimes I’ll eat there, do knife sharpening and knife stuff there, you could read a book there, drink my coffee (it has the coffee machine too), etc. also my kitchen window has an excellent view of sunrise
I look forward to using your kitchen counter to drink your coffee!
I’ll be there too, mate. See you soon.
Also if you do go through with that make sure to get a soft mat to stand on. Standing on a hard surface for long periods is also bad for you (and painful, and cold).
Oh, don’t you have one? Or maybe we’d have to take turns until I can get mine