• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • I get asked this question a lot, because I love many traditional Japanese cultures, but not anime. First of all, I don’t hate it, I still respect it, but it’s simply not my cup of tea.

    I often find it to be overstimulating and sexualized. someone said it’s like food with too much salt, that perfectly describes it for me. It’s just too over the top sometimes. The sexualization is also off putting. It’s a constant distraction from the plot and undermines the rest of the characters and story.

    I also don’t like the voice acting style, where it is again overbearing, especially for women characters. That’s not what people sound like. It’s way too high pitched and trying way too hard to sound “cute”.

  • From a strategic standpoint, they have no choice. What Hamas is doing is by the book insurgent strategy, that’s been observed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to lesser extents in WW2 and Vietnam.

    Commit an atrocity akin to 9/11 to provoke an enemy attack and hide your forces amongst the population. The initial victim (usa, and in this case, israel) must retaliate against such an atrocity, but their only strategic targets are civilian in nature (as all militants are using them as a meat shield).

    Once civilian targets are struck Hamas makes pleas to the international community, for aid, sanctions or isolation of Israel. They pander to civilians, as they’ll die whether or not they join the insurgency. This balloons their numbers and combat strength.

    On top of that, all forces begin engaging in brutal urban warfare with costly casualties for the enemy.

    Israel (to their voters and population) can’t just “let” Hamas get away for the October attacks so they press their advance, civilians be damned. I believe Hamas are as responsible as Israel for civilian casualties and deaths.

    No sides are truly right here, it’s merely a brutal dilemma. Not a problem, those have answers, but a dilemma with no good solutions. Potentially be overthrown by an outraged population or slaughter a bunch of civs. You know what all regimes will do.

  • I didn’t mention that the entire meetup was to cook together, everyone got to choose what we cooked, and everything I cooked was for them. They were going to college and most mentioned needing to learn, so I thought I’d show them the basics.

    I ended up cooking everything myself alone. It felt disrespectful because they agreed to help and they didn’t bother to include me in their conversation away in the living room.

  • 6-8k stones are the most common as they are the best value. You get a decent edge, and the stones are usually around 40$ for a decent one. Right now its unknown the highest grit possible, primarily because with higher and higher grit, manufacturing becomes exponentially more expensive.

    Grit is sorted through filters, the finer the filters the faster they clog, and the finer the grit, the more likely they are to float away, or do not have the inertia required to pass it.

    There are 2 ways a blade dulls.

    Abrasion: abrasive particles in the material rounds the edge of the blade by scraping off microscopic bits of steel.

    Microscopic chipping: In this case the steel fracture and pieces break off the edge, revealing a duller edge.

    Scratches act as weak points for the latter. Scratches form a sawtooth like shape. People say these “micro-serations” aid in cutting and are even desirable, but I would disagree. The peaks of the teeth break off more easily and the deep grooves provide further weak points. They will dull rather quickly.

    Very hard steels (also depends on the type, and the knife, and best treatment, and edge geometry ) will dull significantly from microchipping. If the edge is as robust as possible, it will remain much sharper. The finer the surface, the more robust the edge is.

    It gets wayyy more complicated considering edge geometry (just a 1 degree difference can stabilize a chippy edge), natural stones and how they are completely different, glossy vs cloudy finishes (cloudy is better), slurry, omnidirectional scratches patterns, etc.