Recently I’ve been catching up on tv and some of the more mature/adult shows, which I’ve been…Enjoying? Seems like the wrong word, but they’ve all generally been cynical or dark.

For reference, I’ve just finished Better Call Saul, which got me to finally get around to finishing Breaking Bad, and I’ve also been doing a rewatch of the anime Monster as it’s been years since I last watched it.

So basically back to back dark shows.

I’ve already watched The Good Place, which nails what I’m describing, but it’s a little blunt with the sweetness, while I’ve watched some of Bee and Puppycat which seems like it’s closer to a nice middleground of sweet and real.

What are some of your go-to shows for this kinda vibe?

    11 months ago

    Believe me, I’m always down to talk about Paul F. Tompkins! I thoroughly agree with both recommendations, with a note that some bits don’t hold up super well. But for the most part they’re both still golden!