Browsing social media, it’s apparent that people are quick to point out problems in the world, but what I see less often are suggestions for how to solve them. At best, I see vague ideas that might solve one issue but introduce new ones, which are rarely addressed.

Simply stopping the bad behaviour rarely is a solution in itself. The world is not that simple. Take something like drug addiction. Telling someone to just stop taking drugs is not a solution.

    4 hours ago

    Being as that we have the tools now, any person who wants to run for a public office in a position of leadership, I.e mayor, vice mayor, sheriff, judge, Congress person or president, should have to undergo a psychological evaluation and if they show any of the three dark traits they should be rendered invalid and unable to participate in politics.

    We don’t need any narcissistic psychopaths running the government, but narcissistic psychopaths are the ones that are the most likely to get elected because they’re the best at manipulating people into voting for them in popularity contests.

      3 hours ago

      The reason psychopaths aren’t diagnosed frequently is that it’s simple for a psychopath to fool the test. They have to WANT an accurate diagnosis to get one.

      Also, these tests would be gamed to keep specific people out of power. That’s why the restrictions on public office are so low. To prevent gaming.