I’m asking because it’s a very normal thing to do here.

When you enter a room, but also things like a hairdresser or say a small cafe, you say hello to the people there and say goodbye when leaving. Or when taking a bus, you say hello to the driver and goodbye or thank him when getting off.

I was only recently told by some online friends of mine that this is pretty weird in other places. So I’m wondering if I’m (or my country) is the weird one or them

  • malloc@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This is like a small town custom where everybody knows one another. So even though it’s a new setting, it’s all mostly the same people. Not saying anything is actually perceived as rude. Lol

    I wouldn’t expect this in a big city though. Especially if it’s a doctors office. Typically people there for private medical issues, not for socializing with strangers. Exception here is if I actually see someone I know.

    On occasion the staff will say “hi” and “bye” on entering and leaving but that is more of a trained behavior than natural.