One time I was deleting a user from our MySQL-backed RADIUS database.
And yeah, if you don’t have a WHERE clause? It just deletes everything. About 60,000 records for a decent-sized ISP.
That afternoon really, really sucked. We had only ad-hoc backups. It was not a well-run business.
Now when I interview sysadmins (or these days devops), I always ask about their worst cock-up. It tells you a lot about a candidate.
The word is bootlicker. There are of course bad union leaders, and the cure is the same: organizing.
If you have civil and criminal causes of action, it’s often expedient to pursue the criminal one first, as it’s admissible as evidence in the civil case—the reverse isn’t usually true. I would be very surprised if there were not a settlement very soon, which unfortunately we will probably never hear about.
With the facts of the criminal case, I don’t think they would have any difficulty at all getting a legal team to go after EBay. It’s a risk/reward thing for them and the pockets they’d be going after are very deep.
DevOps on the resume, Sysadmin in my heart forever.