A really really bad joke.
A really really bad joke.
In the teenage boy caught in the hyper masculine world of American highschool? Yes.
In the actualized adult trying to understand myself and the world? Also yes.
How dare you hide your information from them! The nerve!
“Your data collection into Gmail only! No into chic fila app!”
It wasn’t long ago that I heard that analytics was about to be replaced by AI.
The most versatile note pad in existence…
And to the queer for who we stand fabulous?
I dunno. I’m trying too hard.
I have VPN so I can look at porn.
Hmmmmm. Been thinking about starting a youtube channel. Maybe ballads to the CEO could be the theme. I wonder how long before I get called in by hr.
China has entered the chat.
The E in WWE is for Entertainment.
Some people enjoy belittling other’s choices on the internet. Some enjoy watching the drama of fake wrestling.
Look to the atheist. He does not use the command line because he secretly believes. He does so because he knows it’s good.
The old file menu was way more functional if you needed to be keyboard only.
My preferred response to this is, “Entropy. The eventually and unstoppable heat death of the universe where none of this matters is the reason.”
When they started with hybrids they kinda got ahead with the Prius and stopped.
Instead of deleting everything, edit it to sometime else. Quick brown fox that shit.
Do you ever have sex without protection because the other person looks “clean”?
In eighth grade I got into an argument on the bus, precursor to the Internet, with a kid about my ignorance of sex. He drew a picture of a diaphragm and ridiculed me for not knowing what it was.
I’ve had one open for years that is empty. I think they’re hoping I eventually put money in it so they can drain it for the years it sat unused.