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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Wild story, but many things I don’t get:

    • How could a bank CEO be so stupid to fall for a financial scam like this? He must know how these work, banks are constantly fighting against scams and warning customers
    • How the fuck the bank would allow the CEO to go rogue and request/make these transactions? They have board, supervisory board, risk mgmt, yet nobody stopped or noticed the fraud until his neighbor(!) told them. This institution shouldn’t be allowed to handle people’s money
    • Wtf is the attorney’s sad speech about being unsure ppl getting back their savings? They were insured, they get the money back. Pay the fuck up and reimburse your clients for the bank’s mistake

  • Item #: SCP-███

    Object Class: Euclid

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-███ is to be housed in a hermetically sealed containment chamber at Site-███. The chamber must be equipped with industrial-grade air filtration systems and must be disinfected hourly. Personnel entering the chamber must wear Level A hazmat suits and carry a personal air purification unit. Under no circumstances should personnel remain within SCP-███’s containment chamber for more than 15 minutes.

    Description: SCP-XXXX is a 27-year-old Caucasian male, previously known as █████ ███████, who has been the subject of an anomalous physiological change resulting from an extended period of poor personal hygiene. SCP-███ possesses the belief that abstaining from cleaning his genital area will produce pheromones attractive to women. This belief has manifested an anomalous property in SCP-███, generating a noxious odor that repels humans within a 250-meter radius.

    The odor produced by SCP-███ has been classified as SCP-███-1. SCP-███-1 has been shown to cause immediate nausea, disorientation, and a strong instinctual urge to flee in exposed subjects. Continued exposure leads to more severe symptoms, including vomiting, temporary blindness, and in some cases, auditory hallucinations.

    Addendum ███-A: Extract for Psychological Evaluation

    Dr. ███████: Can you explain why you continue this… regimen, despite its effects?

    SCP-███: You don’t understand. I’m on the verge of a breakthrough. They just haven’t smelled it long enough. They’ll come around. They always do in the end.