You aren’t missing out on anything then
You aren’t missing out on anything then
I don’t view banning them as pathetic, I think they can get over being banned from an instance full of people they clearly strongly disagree with. They are “ban happy” because they want to create a place that does not tolerate intolerance and unfortunately the internet is full of bigoted people. So what if they overdue it sometimes? Its just a small ass corner of the internet. No one has an inherent right to be there
I simply don’t view it as pathetic and think they can get over it
Honestly you sound like a dick we wouldn’t want around anyway. Sometimes people get banned to maintain the community atmosphere tbh.
But also they probably just considered you racist for blaming arabs
The problem is that you are blaming the voter instead of the party. Further you are blaming arabs for not voting for the genocide of arabs. The party failed you but not providing a platform that could succeed.
I know someone who used to go to rage against the machine concerts in their youth and is now a Republican. Every day I wake up and thank god I am not that braindead
Line must go up
We just have to stop using the internet at this point
-3lbs it is
Have you tried a search engine?
Like every american evangelical who supports deportation or honestly the American empire in general. There is no way these people have read and understood like anything from the bible. Actually nuts how contradictory they are.
Tragic really
Economies do not stagnate simply because of popular rhetoric. There are real people making real decisions that cause this to happen. Its not fucking vibes based
Yes but ai doesn’t add anything new. The artists in our history we value are often valued because they challenged artistic conventions. An LLM literally cannot do this.
The difference is that a human inputs their labor into their art, therefore adding value. When a machine takes hundreds of peoples labor and sells it without compensation it is exploitative but when I view hundreds of peoples labor, learn from it and add my own, I am participating in a valuable human tradition.
If the author is ok with profiting off of unpaid labor then I don’t care to read what they have to say
Its legal but unethical. If you do this you are profiting off of unpaid labor.
Wish I had any idea what this was about
Leftists just want spaces where we don’t have to hear liberals and fascists make excuses for the american empire or blame its actions on marginalized groups. Thats genuinely it, we are allowed to maintain those spaces and kick people out of them for that purpose. Every instance does this to some degree, there are just significantly more of y’all than us, so we have to do it more.