Oh, that’s good.
Oh, that’s good.
I have added Elon to my block keywords, but lately the circlejerk had somehow seeped its way out onto my feed.
Could anyone share other blocked terms they find effective?
Of course. Plenty of bathrooms are only disability accessible by default these days and I won’t go shit in the garden because I couldn’t find one that wasn’t.
Yeah. A wagon.
“Touch base”
No, you cannot touch base with me; I’m not into that. Go touch your own base, base toucher.
The idiom relies on a person being familiar with baseball, but even then it makes very little contextual sense.
Former colleague used to say "for all intensive purposes"every few sentences.
Bring social ideals of others into nature is generally a very bad thing.
Even marriage itself is such a weird and unnatural thing, especially as we know it today.
“I love you.”
“Me too!”
“Government and church! We have something to tell you!”
Depends. While compressing the video, it will create repetition,.artificial motion blur, etc. Either through software or directly on the device itself with its own software—GoPros are notoriously bad for this, for example.
Then when uploading to YT, it has its.own compression—because billions of petabytes—which will introduce your classic.nearest neighbour type compression problems. Colour spots, blurring, flat contrasts,.etc. All in an effort to keep bitrate and thus the file size down.
But as I said, it’s unusual to have content on YT of this quality where bitrate “ruins” the experience. There’s much worse problems at the forefront in amateur and/or.fast content video.
Nah. The planet has had way worse and will have way worse. We’re just an annoying itch you may never had known existed in just a few short tens of thousands of years; mere moments in Earth’s timeline.
I don’t notice it on a 75" TV.
But when 99% of the content on YouTube is struggling to just get focusing right, pursuing higher quality bitrates is a useless priority. It’s all trash amateur TV. Resolution is not a factor here.
For a brief few years Kent cigarettes has asbestos filters.
From March 1952 until at least May 1956, however, the Micronite filter in Kent cigarettes contained compressed blue asbestos within the crimped crepe paper, which is the most carcinogenic type of asbestos.
Should be the default setting.
Oooh. You’d fit right in at .ml
Fuck this is gold.
Well, unless people realise the actual worth of gold… But until then.
Oh, yeah. We definitely keep trying to break the cycle, else we’ll all be extinguished at some point. It won’t be broken in the near future, but over many generations of each doing their part, it will eventually evolve into something better; the old perks of the species no longer relevant or needed, eventually evolved out.
Whether or not we can survive ourselves in the meantime is a whole new hurdle in our path.
I’ve realised, over time, that we got to be species number 1 through near statistically impossible odds that is only achievable by being the most brutally effective in the game of evolution.
And millions of years of nature doesn’t just go away when you’re declared the winner. It is in our nature to dominate through all means possible, else we wouldn’t be here. It’s not so much that we want war, we need it; our nature is founded on it. When there is nothing left on the planet to defeat, we turn on ourselves to scratch the itch.
The catch is the other half of our nature is focused on domination of the species. We protect each other for the greater good as much as we kill for the greater good. That’s our human nature; that’s how we got here. So after a war we feel awful and promise to never do it again, but then the itch of being number 1 reappears and there’s nothing else to scratch it with because we conquered everything else.
Our known history affirms that the end-game of evolution is a never ending cycle of masturbating to awful shit, feeling ashamed, and just doing it again once the shame is overridden by the urge. “Never again” we say, every fucking time.
Edit: That’s why I also love the self-proclaimed “lefties” camp always misappropriating the philosophical Paradox of Tolerance on here—like it’s not misappropriately used by the other camps. Ironically all just proving the paradox true. Camp vs camp. Tribe vs tribe. The itches and scratches, Oblivious to human nature doing as it does best. To progress is to win by all means possible. This is our way.
Edit Edit: And no I’m not picking on you kids specifically. Look at Tall Poppy Syndrome, Soapboxes, why communism never works, why capitalism never works; all the other ideologies we think up to break the cycle and try fast forward our evolution in vain. They all end with with someone or something taking power for a brief moment, before they’re targetted to be cut down by the nature of others trying to instill their idea, how they want it, how they insist all others will want and should have it. Power.
To my knowledge, there’s no evidence to suggest child soldiers being sent in. But you could do the classic, “Yes I’m eighteen” as your voice cracks. I’m sure there’s a greater chance than most other nations of it sliding through.
Make sure you gain a shitload of intel before making your move. It would be far more valuable than anything you could manage with a gun at that age, this making a massive impact.
I feel that way about most films with Ferrell, Sandler, and Stiller. So silly and stupid that they work so light-heartedly well. You just know the set laughed their asses off plenty of times in production.
Yeah, but they’re the same old teachings of every other religion before Christianity. You gotta remember it’s super-duper young compared to most others. Every modern religion just gets the same old human morals we had before religions and bundles up a bunch of really bad shit with them so they seem good.
If any of its true, the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing people he was God.
Odd spelling of “whenever”