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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • In a statical job applying world, if everyone had a ln equal chance of landing a job (which isn’t the case, but it makes the math easier), you would, on average, have to apply to as many positions as the average number of applicants that apply to the positions your are applying to.

    So if each TRUE job opening has 10 people apply to it, you have to apply to 10 jobs (plus a bunch of false postings) to get a job.

    If each true job opening has 10,000 people apply to it, you have to apply to 10,000.

  • Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests

    But on a test afterwards, these AI-tutored students did no better. Students who just did their practice problems the old fashioned way — on their own — matched their test scores

    Headline: People who flip coins have a much worse chance of calling it if they call heads!

    Text: Studies show that people who call heads when flipping coins have an even chance of getting it right compared to people who do the old fashion way of calling tails.

  • In the 60s they had pressurize tubes running to your table with the food. But the person putting it into the tube had to know what table your were sitting at. 70s came around and the process of just yelling out the person’s name to come up and get it was found to be more efficient. Don’t see how this could be more cost efficient than that - unless it is at a fancy restaurant. Then there are other jobs that the waiter does beside transporting food.