Go [email protected] ! Stop buying plastic bottle when you want water.
Bio et AOP : Pseudo, votre utilisateur français préféré !
Go [email protected] ! Stop buying plastic bottle when you want water.
I’m borrowing that.
Thank you for the great advice. We should share this to a maximum of people. We don’t want people to get in trouble for violating copyright especially when done accidentally.
I there a ethnic group around the world that does not do that ?
I find a cloudy look in them.
When I remember that it is Guy that post things that ennoys me, it is Time for a block. It doesn’t have to be something I’m angry about if the user is active enough in a space I frenquent but their post doesn’t interest me, I block them to clear my view.
I’l lucky to never had to block someone because I got on an internet fight with them.
Tu as besoin de [email protected] dans ta vie.
“Chmétteurlïnke” pour l’approximation française.
Eh ! Je n’ai jamais dit que mon accent était bon (^_-)
Déso, je parle pas le Luxembourgeois.
Hallo de France. Wie geht’s in der deutschsprachiges Lemmy?
Il faut faire quelque chose !
Well of course, if you want to use a sweet bakery good in a savory dish, it will not hold. But such a use of brioche is beneath its rank.
Yeah but my issue is with how to pronounce it.
Ok, you want to fight let’s fight!
Burger bun is a bastard of brioche and bread, it’s only purpose it to use in burgers when brioche is a whole ream of bakery and its natural interface to pastry.
Since I only ever had heard this english word in the specific context of YouTube, I’m not even sure what is difference in prononciation btw the two.