it means you’ll have to be a registered member to have access after it goes private.
it means you’ll have to be a registered member to have access after it goes private.
sure. why the hell not? lets go nuts on these data points.
in three dimensions you have three axis. all of those measure distance traveled from 0.
are you 100% sure that elevators don’t travel any distance? or are we going to argue semantics over what distance is or isn’t.
isn’t that apu not pepe? still a frog, tho.
dude just pirate the game and pay when it is on sale. gabe will aprove because he hasn’t fixed the “i have no money” issue.
when education isn’t liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor.
t. Paulo Freire
after all that capital invested in marketing people better fucking buy. coca cola now spends more on marketing than on producing the products. they are literally spending hundreds of millions of dollars to advertise the best know brand in the world.
i think evs are still too expensive for the common uruguaian(?) wallet. so they still use oil for cars. but 4 months 100% renewables is great news.
i have no idea.