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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Not true, I’m just fighting the myth that incognito mode gives you (any) privacy.

    Company have many legal reasons to store my IP and they do so, don’t have a problem with it, but they can’t use it legally for advertising without consent. You are agreeing to tracking, that in turn allow them to use your IP for tracking, it doesnt matter if its in incognito mode as now they can track you legally also outside. So your comment about using incognito is just plain wrong.

    Ultimatily it’s about the rules (including gdpr), I don’t agree/approve to be tracked and don’t want my visit to be linked to me, so if the website like that don’t want to provide content in exchange for ads (like in the OP case above) then they don’t need to.

    I fully know they can (and probably doing it without asking because they can) track my activity to serve targeted ads. I just voice my disgust and voice my disapproval with the state the advertising is now, and propose a solution that I personally am fine with it.

    Why do you think I’m using adblock and pi-hole for?

  • Totally agreed, but there are pros and cons.

    File - harder to steal but once stolen hacker can bruteforce it as much as it wants. Web service - with proper rate limits (and additional IP whitelist so you can only sync on VPN/local network) - its harder to bruteforce. (But yes, you (sometimes) have also full copy locally in the local client, but …)

    If it was only for me I probably would also go with KeePass as you will not update the same db at the same time, but with with multiple users it’s getting unmanageable.

    I just got triggered as those CVEs are not that bad due to the nature that the app encrypts stuff on the client side so web server is more like shared file storage, while your answer suggested to switch to a solution that doesn’t work for a lot of people (as we already tried that).

  • Opening in incognito doesnt give you any privacy, they still going to match you using IP and browser fingerprint to get (almost) the same person matching as allowing all cookies.

    Cookies just makes it easier.

    For me if its a page I opened first time I will just close it and open next search result.

    If this page/domain is something I see quite often then depending on the price I might pay.

    Paying full monthly price for single page visit is stupid they will have a hard time to convince me to pay. And paying with privacy is out for me.

    Waiting for time when they start using centralized payment system that will allow me to pay small amount per visit, like lightning or BAT.

  • Just because you send me malware after some text I wanted to read (in http response), don’t give you rights to force me to execute the malware.

    Just because I have your book (or page) and look at part of it doesn’t give you the right to force me to read it in full or dictate how I’m reading it.

    I have every right to reveal/read only part of the book/page. We didn’t sign any agreement, if you want me to first look at the part you want to or agree to some license nothing stopping you to do, stuff like paywall or subscription exists…

  • Over all I upvote posts if its something I would like to know about.

    In this case its good to know that there was some limit issue that (as on the page say) is already resolved.

    If it was intentionally done or not we will never know, but its good to know if it would happen again that there is some limit.

    I upvote because:

    • even if it was some wrongly implemented limit in this case, the shadow banning/hidding posts (or like in this case blocking follow) will happen in the future on all large platforms, it’s human nature to abuse it if you can get away with it
    • I dont like big central platforms, I rather would like to have a transparent/open platform but I know it will never happen as servers costs money and people like “free” and convenient stuff so platforma will keep monetizing people activity
    • if it could be even slightly true I rather have as many (affected) people know about it that there was an issue with follow and now it is resolved so they can retry to follow