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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • He has a legit point that Steve did not give LTT a chance to comment. “He doesn’t have to!” Maybe. But he gave the other side a ton of airtime/chances to comment. It was very one sided and while GN made some good points, it felt like a hit piece. And Linux, imo rightfully, felt a little betrayed by a guy he’d worked with in the community.

    His reaction wasn’t great but it was that of a guy who was defending his team and from someone he’d probably consider a ‘friend’ impugning his integrity and dragging them without giving them any opportunity to comment or even letting him know it was coming–two very common practices/norms.

    A unflattering view of GN vid is that he felt threatened by LTT labs entering the space and he wanted to get out in front of that an expose"how unreliable" they are. He didn’t give LTT a heads up or allow them to comment because he knew they’d have a solid response. He blindsided him on purpose.

    All that said, GN did Linus a favor. It accelerated his transition away from CEO and forced them to review their dumb production rates and the videos that are coming out now are better than ever.

    Ironically, it left a sour taste in my mouth about Steve and I haven’t watched any of his videos since.

  • Linus got phished out of his twitter account recently.

    Respect where it’s due. He owned it and was transparent so everyone can learn. Apparently he was at a pool party and just about to throw the burgers on the grill when he got an email that said his account was logged into from Turkey or Russia or someplace.

    He panicked a bit, because of the last time his YouTube account was hacked he felt like acting quickly was the only thing that help it not be worse. I think he clicked the link in the email and “logged in” and boom. Got em.

    Caught him at the right time and place and it all aligned to burn him.

  • It might be worth taking a step back and looking at your objective with all of this and why you are doing it in the first place.

    If it’s for privacy, then unfortunately that ship has sailed when it comes to email. It’s the digital equivalent of a post card. It’s inherently not private. Nothing you do will make it private. Even services like proton Mail aren’t private–unless you only email other people on proton.

    I appreciate wanting to control your own destiny with it but there are much more productive things you could be spending your time on the improve your privacy surface area.

  • My thoughts on it are: as a developer, if you flag the issue for your management, and they want to move forward, then you’ve done your part.

    Maybe put an extra comment in the code for posterity’s sake.

    It’s not ultimately your problem and what else are you going to do? Work unpaid nights and weekends to fix it for some guy who might run into a problem 8 years from now?