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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • They responded

    You’re saying “they”, but it’s you. And no you didn’t, repeating what you said before isn’t addressing the issues.

    Adressed twice.

    Never addressed at all, you pivoted to the oil industry. You didn’t address the subsidies from China or the unfair trade practices.

    America will not subsidize to that level, if they could, and no amount of innovation is going to combat subsidization or the unfair trade practices.

    According to a Bloomberg article, China will sell EVs at under $10,000, undercutting the price of the average American EV by $50,000. Are you seriously arguing that “investment to lower cost” will reduce the cost by 85-90%? That’s simply a ludicrous assertion.

    You think US products won’t have spyware?

    I don’t think that collecting anonymized usage data, is the same as unlimited spying going back to an authoritarian government. So no, absolutely nothing comparable.

  • Americans get cheaper EVs…

    For a few years, until the American automakers go bankrupt, as you said, then the Chinese automakers increase prices 10x.

    …and the legacy auto industry gets taught a valuable lesson as companies who refused to modernize go bankrupt.

    What a valuable lesson, get subsidized by an authoritarian government so that you can offer vehicles below cost. Also be sure to add spyware for the aforementioned authoritarian government.

    Do you even understand what below cost means? No amount of modernization will counteract it.

  • I don’t pay attention to the news (haven’t for many years now) and I firmly believe it’s okay that I don’t.

    I also don’t vote because, at this point, I’d consider myself the definition of an uninformed voter.

    You’re essentially keeping yourself ignorant, and then saying you’re too ignorant to take action. Just ridiculous.

    So much of what’s presented by the media doesn’t impact my day-to-day life in the slightest.

    Trump was elected and as a direct result: Roe was overturned, pregnant women are having their lives risked over non-viable pregnancies, others are forced to have children they don’t want, gun control has been struck down, Christian Nationalism is heavily asserting itself at a time when fewer and fewer people are religious, the pandemic was bungled leading to thousands and thousands of unnecessary deaths, $2t was given away to the uber-wealthy, air and water quality standards were rolled back, ultra-conservative judges have been instituting national bans from the 5th circuit, gay and trans rights have been rolled back…and on and on…and that’s without getting to all the states banning books and destroying the social safety net.

    I guess you could not be a woman, not know a woman, not care about getting shot, or know anyone who you don’t want to see get shot, like oppressive religious tenets foisted upon you, not worry about dying of communicable disease, or know anyone that you wouldn’t want to see die of communicable disease, be ok with your tax dollars being given to the rich, and not be gay or trans or care about anyone who is…but you must at least breath air and drink water, right?

    It all affects you, you’re just too ignorant to realize how. Your apathy and indifference are what allows shitty people to hurt others. But if you don’t care about that, no one can force you.

  • Listen, you got nervous and things didn’t work right. It’s actually a fairly common issue. The problem is the next time not only are you nervous about the same stuff, but you get nervous it won’t work again.

    Be an adult and talk to her. You don’t need to apologize, just explain that you like her and got nervous and things didn’t happen. She’s probably worried it was her. Take things slow and be patient and relaxed. Everything will work out fine.

    If you don’t know what you’re doing, search for porn for women. It tends to be more “realistic” and more focused on what women enjoy. But at the end of the day just take it slow and communicate.

  • They don’t have access to western media… You think a country should allow in straight up propaganda from countries that want to destroy them? Does that make any sense?

    Yes, it’s called freedom, and no one is trying to destroy them.

    And most of those “democracy” lists are absolutely bullshit! The US is always at the top, and it’s one of the least democratic countries in the world.

    It’s amazing how everything that doesn’t agree with you is bullshit or CIA propaganda. I have never seen the US at the top of any of those lists. The two I quickly pulled up had the US at 29th and 36th. Congratulations on consistently being wrong and spewing un-informed nonsense.

    And why are you being so defensive about the idea North Korea might not be the devil or hell on earth?

    I never said either of those. In fact, what I said was that they have democratic republic in their name but that they are objectively authoritarian. You’re making statements that are false and incredibly dishonest. The DPRK is not a democracy, it is an incredibly repressive authoritarian state. Why are you so intent on giving cover to authoritarian despots?

  • Have you actually read anything on how the government works in the DPRK? Do you know how their elections work?

    Have you read anything at all about the DPRK?

    Or all you know are CIA propaganda talking points from Radio Free Asia, about how there is a “forced crying day”, or how you are forbidden from having the same haircut as Kim Jong Un, or that you are actually obligated to cut your hair just like him etc. etc…?

    Every kernel of information about North Korea is CIA propaganda? Is the CIA that competent?

    But to answer your question, I don’t know any of those things. I do know that there is no freedom of movement, no open Internet access, and laws against accessing external media. You know, the way free societies do.

    Is it so hard to believe what is “common knowledge” about the DPRK is mostly bullshit?

    Yes! Every rank of functioning democracies has North Korea at the bottom, not necessarily last, but never far from it. They are an authoritarian regime. Everything you’re saying is ludicrously misguided.