• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • They’re describing a job in that scenario too lol.

    Yes, people lose their shit once they stop doing their job lol. Landlords in their version are effectively building mechanics and paper pushers keeping their property above board so people can live in it. Most of them I knew all had jobs outside of it too because it doesn’t pay the bills lol.

    Yes, it would be phenomenal if they dropped all their extra money into the stock market like your average person but they diversified or put it into equity instead since they didn’t trust stock or had houses willed to them.

    I get when people talk about slumlords, or giant corpos. But I’ve had to quote it before that the lionshare of them are people like I mentioned above with corpos buying out more and more in recent years because they’re just as poor as everyone else.

    Meanwhile even the most liberal people on here get baited thinking they’re scum. Meanwhile billionaires are still laughing at the poors fighting each other thinking one job is better than other or villifying entire professions still.

    Unionize. Reform land and property ownership. Vote in as many Progressive > Democrats to help make that happen. Vote yes on school ballot measures even if you get taxes. Run for government yourself if you loathe who represents you. Grassroot campaigns are hard as hell with a huge uphill battle, but poor people aren’t excluded from government.

  • This is exactly how I view LLMs and have used them before.

    These people in these scenarios aren’t going ‘Amazon buy my gf a gift she likes.’

    They’re going, please write a letter to my professor thanking them for their help and all they’ve done for me in biology.

    I don’t know of anyone who trusts AI enough to just carte blanche fire off emails immediately after getting prompts back either.

    The fear and cheapening of AI is the same fear and cheapening as every other advancement in technology.

    • It’s not a a real conversation unless you talk face to face like a man say it in a group write it on parchment and ink pen and paper typewriter telegram phonecall text message fax email. E: rip strikethroughs?

    • It’s not a real paper if it’s a meta analysis.

    • It’s not it’s not it’s not.

    All for arbitrary reasons that people have used to offset mundane garden levels of tedium or just outright ableist in some circumstances.

    People also seriously overestimate their ability to detect AI writing or even pictures. That dude may very well have gotten a sincere letter without AI but they’ve already set it in their mind that the student wrote it with AI as if they know this student so well from 10 written assignments they probably don’t care about to 1 potentially sincerely written statement to them.

    If people like that think it cheapens the value, that’s on them. People go on and on about removing pointless platitudes and dumb culturally ingrained shit but then clutch their pearls the moment one person toes outside the in-group.

    It just feels so silly to me.

    IT’S NOT ART UNLESS IT’S OIL ON CANVAS levels of dumb.

    It’s not altruistic/good-natured unless you don’t benefit from it in any way and feel no emotion by doing it! You can’t help the homeless unless you follow the rules! You can’t give them money if you record it.

    In the end, they still got that money. But somehow it devalues it because instead of raising two people up higher, you only raised one? It’s foolishness.

    People also seriously overestimate other’s abilities and cheapen what their time is worth all the damn time.