An early bird in the hand gets the low hanging fruit in the bush.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I’m more interested in the backstory of Bigfoot learning to change tires. Is this a regular occurrence? If so, do they usually wait for people to look away and zip through like a NASCAR pit crew or is there some communication involved? “Hey man, don’t freak out but I’m a Bigfoot. Looks like car trouble, can I help?” or something along those lines. The former would explain the usual blurry appearance in photos but I like the idea that buddy Bigfoot is roaming the woods doing some casual roadside assistance and asking motorists to please be discreet once they’re back on their way.

    Either way, I’d probably keep quiet. Can’t outrun or out-fight them in the first case if they didn’t appreciate my disclosure. If it was the latter option, it’d be a real dick move to spill the beans after accepting a favor like that.

  • Hope your finger has healed up well from that unfortunate stabbing incident, just did something similar with my middle finger and a utility knife. Tried snapping off the top segment so I could use the next blade but it slipped and, not being in the kitchen, I wasn’t thinking about its knife-like attributes so the grab impulse made a mess of things. To make it even dumber, I’d been gripping the used blade with some pliers with the idea that it’d be safer but if I’d done it the usual way (which I think of as somewhat dangerous), I probably would have been paying more attention and might not have dropped it in the first place.

    Good news is that the next blade is definitely sharp, bad news is that now it has a taste for flesh. Oh well, at least my tetanus is up to date and it’s not a poop knife like in that one story from the old place.