“For the hoes in the back, and the crackers in they slacks; if I tweet, then delete, then I meant it.” – JPEGMAFIA.

https://readsettlers.org || I don’t address myself to settlers, their adjacencies, or those who sound like them. Unhousebroken .world and .works users get blocked on sight.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I genuinely don’t give a fuck about these petty little ontological bullshit games the DNC has grown fond of in the last two election cycles. I don’t give the first fuck if they’re “better than the other guys” if the status quo, if the material conditions aren’t changing a jot. For misleaders who claim to be better than the cultists, I see a whole lot of fucking nothing changing for the progressive.

    Until we have democrats that are serious about ending carceral slavery, ending(and fully disarming) the militarization of police, ending our mosquito-like suckling of crude oil and natural gas, ending the domestic espionage programs like PRISM, FIVE-EYES and their ilk, closing the genocide camps at the border, and making actual good on our climate catastrophe, I genuinely don’t give a damn what they say; I’d rather the country fell than humor these career criminals.

  • I always felt like you could have a monster-of-the-month kind of table revolving around some of the more nightmarish Objects; some kind of high fantasy iteration of the Foundation or the Bureau that’s trying to secure these objects to keep them from falling into the hands of civilians and all that

    A lot of why I liked it is you also didn’t need super-deep knowledge of esoteric terminology, like while I appreciate the hard roleplay of the Foundation, there’s a point where the redactions get to be a bit much, and you start feeling like “you made that word up.” There’s something that feels a whole lot forbidden about the Holders by nature of it always feels like you’re reading the journals of the deranged regarding these Objects.