That’s a damn death trap
That’s a damn death trap
If someone were to poison the food at mar a lago, that person would have done more for this country than anybody else in the past 50 years.
Stealing is smart
One upon a time, websites had actually useful coupons and RetailMeNot was created by the people who made BugMeNot and it was great, but more and more websites caught on and RetailMeNot was bought out to the tune of $300 million.
Then everything went to shit.
It’s very easy to overflow
Chug some NyQuil, take some sleeping pills and some Benadryl and deal with it later.
The USA isn’t the only America nor the only United States. Maybe when the government collapses we can come up with a better name.
Is that what antioxygens do?
So no change?
A watt is 1 Joule per Second (1 J/s). E.g. Every second, your device draws 1 Joule of energy. This energy over time is called “Power” and is a rate of energy transfer.
A watt-hour is (1 J/s) * (1 hr)
This can be rewritten as (3600 J/hr) * (1 hr). The “per hour” and “hour” cancel themselves out which makes 1 watt-hour equal to 3600 Joules.
1 kWh is 3,600 kJ or 3.6 MJ
XULRuner use to exist. I ran Chatzilla under it at one point in time.