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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • UsernameLost@lemmy.mltoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    My wife had a D&C after a miscarriage earlier this year. Luckily, our state isn’t as shitty as others, but the surgery was still labeled an abortion, and they made her answer a bunch of questions like it was a choice and not that our baby was dead for a month before the 12 week ultrasound. And the shitheel front desk woman lied to us and said that no one could be back there with her (obviously not in surgery, but I wasn’t even able to be back in the waiting area with her pre or post op), because that woman was a religious fruitcake and “didn’t agree with the procedure”

    We raised some serious hell after finding that out and took it up through their patient advocate. It went up to the hospitals board and they issued an apology, which meant fuck all, and I think that woman was fired.

    I don’t understand why people want to be involved in anyone else’s lives. I get it if you personally don’t agree with abortions, but that’s your choice. You don’t get the right to decide what someone else does with their own fucking body. The kicker is that most people don’t even realize that a D&C after a miscarriage is the same exact procedure and is classified the same. Excuse the fuck out of me if I don’t want my wife to die from sepsis or have to sit around for another 1-2 months with a dead fetus inside of her waiting for it to possibly discharge naturally. That whole experience was awful enough and she wanted it to be over as soon as possible.

    Fuck your religious beliefs. Apply them to yourself, no one else should bend over to appease your stupid sky fairy bullshit.

  • The lack of sorting is really my only gripe with outposts. Right now, I have everything funneling into one main outpost and accumulating in a massive wall of containers, haven’t really jumped into automated crafting yet. Building aspects have always appealed to me in games, so I’ve enjoyed just optimizing resource collection and setting up a supply chain.

    I’m not installing any mods until I finish my first playthrough, but a sorting mod will be my first download.

    I didn’t play much Fallout outside of a scratched copy of FO3, so can’t speak to any issues with the dialogue from that perspective. I don’t have any major issues with it

  • I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Starfield so far, put about 80 hours in and haven’t finished any of the questlines yet (largely intentionally, partially because I’ll get sucked into another questline and get distracted). I like the outpost building, the ground combat is fun, the space combat is ok, not on the level of Elite or Star Citizen, but still entertaining.

    Solid game to me. Maybe it didn’t live up to people’s wildest expectations, but I went in expecting an enjoyable experience and got it. I don’t really get the hate for it.

    Make your own opinion, don’t base expectations off of the unwashed masses. Or do, or don’t play it. You do you

  • One of our dogs growing up (golden retriever), would run laps around the house for hours. He would also play fetch, but he would bring a ball back within about 20 feet of you before dancing around in a circle. The only way to get him to drop the ball was to have a second ball ready to go when he got back wit the first one. He would also try to fit as many tennis balls in his mouth as possible, saw him get 3 in successfully once. He was also terrified of floor vents and the downstairs bathroom. He loved to carry socks around, the dirtier the better. He never chewed them, just carried them around in his mouth.

    Loved that derpy dog.