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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Lots of wealth hoarders are donating money to avoid taxes. A lot of charities profit from this and aren’t actual charities and it’s all down to syntax of what a charity is.

    And supermarkets that ask you to donate is for their own PR(and why should a money monger benefit from anyone else’s good deed when they have plenty to donate or even pay their staff a living wage instead?)

    So much of life is a layered lie and a scam.

    Just save up your loose change and give it to someone outside the liquor store. At least then you know where the money is going. And it’s possibly the more ethical option.

  • Worst date ever: Dude was drunk when I arrived on time. Apparently he arrived at the pub 3 hours earlier to just sit and drink. Claimed to be people watching the whole time.

    He was argumentative, obnoxious and creepy. Even bragged about people he was making uncomfortable in the bar.

    He said he Didn’t have a license to drive… likely because he lost it from drunk driving.

    Anyways I made up an excuse that I had to work early (he insisted to stay and keep drinking) and I left and blocked his contact as soon as I exited the pub.

    On another date the guy I think was homeless and couldn’t afford to go on a date which is not the bad part. We went around town and just went up elevators to look over the city scape. If anything that was a positive for him in that he was being innovative with his situation. The bad part was he was deep into the Rooshv bullshit. he started talking about how clever he was, making sexist comments about men and women and how they should be and making lewd comments about my body.

    As soon as we got to street level from the second building I said I had to go and tried to leave, he clamped a hand around my wrist to stop me but I used a bit of a self defence move to break free and wander into traffic to lose him.

  • Being a bad actor.

    insulting and calling what they are doing ‘a discussion’.

    Telling everyone else they suck on a game that requires they participate.

    Making rude demands of others in a free for all group that benefits themselves only.

    Being on the internet whether it’s on a forum, dating site, YouTube or game is for entertainment. We’re each paying for this entertainment too. So if your idea and my idea do not line up for what qualifies as entertainment then we don’t need to be interacting.

  • Right because misusing a fucking pathetic phrase that seems to be your hill to die on is the real take away here. Not the rampant toxic masculinity getting slipped under the radar.

    You. You and your fucked up syntax fucking thinking like this are the problem with everything that’s gone wrong with the big picture items. You don’t give a shit about anyone but your little pet peeves. You just proved that you bring nothing to any table ever and do not ever intend to you impotent little narcissist.