Mine was from a chain of random people posting their invite links on Slashdot. It feels like ancient history now.
Check the URL. The site clearly changed the headline after OP posted.
The term you’re looking for is National Emergency Library.
Reminds me of the ACLU data collection video from a while back.
Ah, a co-op install.
You don’t say.
I have that exact video paused right now. So detailed and fascinating. I love that he added moments of speedrunners hitting many of them.
Wait, someone actually made Smart Pipe?
Spongmonkeys. It was posted on Rathergood.com way back. Knowyourmeme entry if you want to see more about it.
The Quiznos ad was a reference to a popular Flash video from back then. It made sense if you were online a lot, but I can only imagine how off-putting it was without proper context.
Glad I’m not the only one. It looked like an extra forearm got jammed into the steering wheel. I found a clearer version but still can’t tell what’s behind the air freshener.
Ninja Bachelor Party. A goofy and mostly nonsensical home movie made by a few teenagers, including legendary comedian Bill Hicks way before he was famous.
All 3 games got official English translations. Soul Blazer and Gaia were released in the US and Europe, but Terranigma for whatever reason was only released in Europe. I’m so glad emulation came around and opened up access to so many region-locked games.
Like the Chevy Volt? (No, not my video. I don’t condone the filming while driving but it’s the best demo I could find.)
They repurposed some deleted scenes for that montage. You can see them on the DVD.
Wrap a much larger time loop around the first movie.
A variant of Eat hot chip and lie.