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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • In general, I do wonder how effective this constant onslaught of marketing is. At some point there have got to be diminishing returns, right?

    This is what I keep saying, and it is a question that bothers me and riles me up far more than it ever should. Like I and all of my friends and family have just learned to auto tune out ads at this point. We are so constantly drowned in ads everyday that now my brain just automatically filters them out as background noise. The few times one does slip through I completely forget about it 10 seconds later as it is lost in the whirlwind of fast paced chaotic life where I can’t even remember if I ate breakfast that morning. Either that or it slips through because it is obnoxiously intrusive, in which case that product and company go on my shit list.

    The only time an ad still works on me is if I am specifically looking for a product. In which case I still tune out 90% of targeted ads cause I know most of them are fake scams anyways. The other 10% I check user reviews from actual people to narrow down what I want.

    I’m trained to distrust any ads now and even other posts about products online because everything online is either fake or a scam or both. Or the ads are for big brands that I already know exist and I know not to trust they’re ads as well because they are so constantly in my face. Like I really don’t need an ad to remind me that [major corporation brand] still exists, and I sure as shit ain’t gonna have whatever stupid thing they suggest be my first option.

    How tf are ads supposed to work when we are so desensitized to them?

  • I think it’s more practical in terms of being used for layering with kevlar to reduce overall weight of a piece of body armor. While at the same time making it cheaper and more cost effective than traditional body armor materials as mentioned in the article.

    So rather than this being used as an upgrade to kevlar (which with more testing it might be able too) it’s more like a side grade to reduce costs, as mentioned in the article silkworm silk is already used on a commercial and industrial level for other applications.

    Granted it’ll probably be a good few years before the silk being made by these genetically modified worms is both made consistently and is more refined with further testing and then distributed. But still it’s something that material scientists will likely put to good use for reducing costs in lots of fields.

  • You’re probably right and it’s worth it for them to do so. But at the same time I’ve also come to realize that companies are fucking stupid.

    On multiple occasions at multiple jobs I’ve worked. I’ve watched managers implement awful policies and procedures that percentage wise increased revenue in one sector but decreased it in another by a smaller percentage. However the sector that was decreased was orders of magnitude larger than the sector that got a percebtage increase. So in reality when it came to the actual Dollar amount we actually lost a fuckton of revenue for multiple years until someone spoke up about it.

    Idk if that’s the case or not with this stuff. I’m just tired of feeling like every annoyance and detail in life is just another stupidly planned out attempt by a corp to try and manipulate another dime out of me

  • Notorious_handholder@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I really want to find out who these psychologists are studying to come up with these findings. Anytime the layout changes or items are placed in obtuse places that make no sense I just get pissed off. I start brisk walking and scanning the aisles faster than normal and ignoring stuff even more. A lot of times I just say screw it and leave without buying anything out of spite. Then go buy the item elsewhere. A month or so later after they move all the stuff around again, I’ll randomly find the item in the dumbest place ever, but no longer need it now.

    Like I don’t want to be shopping, I hate navigating around idiots that block entire aisles for no reason. It’s not a leasurely or fun experience. I understand why they want me to stay longer, but they don’t seem to understand that no matter how many times I look at the same stupid products my wallet and the lack of fucks I give about their stupid products far outweighs the amount of time I stare at it.

    So tired of of having my time wasted by marketing analytics that report a 1% increases if such and such stuff is done. Makes me feel like I’m trapped in an MMO with only hardcore players who optimize their builds for the smallest negligible increases. It’s exhausting

  • I’m so confused, this seems like a string of really weird decisions

    1. Why would you buy from gamestop of all places online when they’re so ubiquitous that you could walk into one anywhere and buy it new with the box instead?
    2. Why buy it from gamestop online for full price when you could buy it digitally for full price or other online places with a discount.
    3. Of all things to buy new, a pokemon game is one that buying used for cheaper is a better option all around, and gamestop specializes in used games.
    4. I’m still stuck on this but why gamestop? Amazon and ebay have the game much cheaper new, and with the box guaranteed too

    Op get a refund and save like 20-30 bucks buying the game from elsewhere with better quality control.

    Edit: To make it perfectly clear since people can’t differentiate, I ain’t blaming OP at all. Gs is a shitty company who I wouldn’t trust to provide free air. OP needs to get a refund and buy elsewhere from a company that will treat him better. My questions are just me personally being curious about what lead to picking gs in the first place given their reputation. It’s not victim blaming and I dislike that I even have to make this disclaimer instead of being able to trust people to understand nuance