• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Oh wow boo hoo, they have so much risk 😔 they have an entire house that they can sell at any time, who someone else is paying the mortgage of. Oh, the horror! If the market should crash they’ll lose the equity another person paid!

    Really the landlords are the victims here, not the tenants paying their mortgage for them plus a little extra for profits. Clearly the tenants have committed the crime of not having good enough credit for a loan, or the crime of not having enough for a down payment, so they aren’t worthy of owning property.

    No no it’s the landlord who has the real problems, because they could ein a shaky financial situation of “selling the second house iown” if the market dips!

  • Landrin201@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWell let's not do anything hasty
    1 year ago

    You actually believe that? The people who claim that people like Werner von Braun didn’t commit any crimes are the CIA and Braun himself. All of the records from Germany were destroyed. It’s essentially just taking his word on it to believe he was only involved because “he had to be.”

    He was literally a member of the SS, the wing of the nazi government that was directly responsible for the Holocaust. He was photographed repeatedly with himmler himself, in uniform. He claimed that those were just ceremonial photos that he had to participate in the keep his career. He also claimed not to agree with the Nazis politically.

    Why would you believe anything that a member of the SS said? Especially one as important to the Nazis as von Braun was.

    Of fucking course he was never found guilty of any war crimes, the US was actively trying to recruit him. They didn’t want to prosecute their newest asset, a man who directly led to the US becoming the globally dominant force it became during the space race. He was useful so the US government deliberately didn’t investigate him seriously, took him at his word that he totally wasn’t a real nazi, and then used him to invent more rockets for them.

  • Is this the incel brigades talking point? That it’s racist to think that using “female” is creepy and dehumanizing?

    I have never once heard a non-native speaker make this mistake. Having learned two other languages myself, I find it extremely hard to believe it’s a mistake someone would have learned to make, even if they learned to speak English online. Teaching the words “man” and “woman” is literally one of the first lessons in ANY language class. That’s true for English classes as well.

    I never learned the equivalent of male and female in either of the language classes I have taken. So unless there’s a language that has words ONLY for “male” and “female” and no equivalents for “man” and “woman” this talking point is stupid.

    Why are you"asking questions" to make the use of “female” seem more acceptable?

  • Yeah this is a definition of “theft” that doesn’t really work at all with the commonly used one.

    Like, if you download a torrent, it was uploaded by someone else, willingly. If they bought a DVD and handed it to a friend, that friend wouldn’t be stealing the DVD. But now, if they upload the file to the internet for other people to watch, this class is calling that theft.

    Its the kind of “theft” that leaves no victims. The alleged “victim” isn’t the person from whom the content was downloaded, no, it’s the third party who originally sold that person the product in the first place.

    The whole concept isn’t logically consistent, but the corporations wrote the laws and get to decide how they are enforced and what they mean so it doesn’t matter that the law makes no sense and is punishing people for “crimes” that are, at their very core, victimless.