I think it was something like $30 out of my brother’s wallet. Boy did I get in trouble for that one. In my defense, he had just left it lying on top of his bed’s side table! You can’t expect a five year old to not steal $30 out of a wallet just lying on a side table in a room with a closed door!
I don’t even know what I spent it on, thinking back. Probably those little styrofoam airplanes you could put together from the little store out in the country that was nearby.
I’m sure I’d be screwed. Just by the nature of the internet, someone in the various posts would find something that would enrage them enough to hunt me down and throw a cocktail at my house. Even if only one person in a million is insane and bent on revenge, overall I have enough posts that they’d come in contact with it. I’d for sure lose my job, since we have seen it happen on social media sites with folks’ real names attached.
Luckily, most of the comments I’ve made have been on sites that have permanently shut down, so I would escape the worst of my years becoming public knowledge.
Now, if it wasn’t just me, I’m sure I’d be lost in the relatively blase nature of my comments.