That would be a point where I would just never use YouTube again.
Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I’m just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.
That would be a point where I would just never use YouTube again.
The Magicians- the musical episodes are amazing.
What age are you referring to?
Finance Bros are not normal people. They tend to be pretty sociopathic.
Other than business class?
Technically speaking, everything is quantum physics.
You are an expert on American nazis?
Local? Are you in South East Asia?
Loose leaf tea from the middle east and for the most part which are country, region, and type based. As far as brands go, Sadaf Cardamom tea is pretty good and affordable.
I can barely run crysis, mostly because its code is a mess.
A lot of these complaints seem to be issues that come with socialized healthcare.
Don’t you need a prescription for them? Of course they wouldn’t want shady online retailers selling controlled substances.
So slack is stealing trade secrets?
So they are recreating The Disney Channel?
Well there goes my chance to own a Tesla.
Can customers be black listed?
Even in minute amounts. It’s the whole reason plants started producing caffeine. But you have also run into the big flaw in this, what is the portion they are using?
RIP little guys.
What makes this sci-fi?