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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2025


  • “suggesting to go back to Mexico is as good as no advice, because that’s what deportation does as well.”

    No it’s not. Do you deny the existence of the border camps? Do you deny that people are being sent to Guantanamo or an El Salvadorian concentration camp?

    Suggesting they go back to Mexico is suggesting that the reward is not worth the heightened risk.

    Edit: and to be clear I’m not even suggesting that they do go back. I’d just suggest that they asses the risk/reward and if they choose to stay they NEED to recognize the risk and organize within their communities accordingly.

  • Yes, that would obviously be best for discovering their individual reasons and I have discussed it with a few. But I’m not asking you why they come here. I’m asking why you believe what you said to be true and valid. I’m Mexican-American myself and your words just didn’t sit right with me, it felt like you were just dismissing the whole idea of people living in Mexico…like a liberalized/opposite version of the “if you love Mexico why don’t you go back!” We get whenever we show pride for Mexico (Implying that Mexico is a terrible place nobody should want to live or be proud of). I’m sure that wasn’t your intention but its how it came off to me.

    As for the substance of your response.

    While mexico is certainly below in most metrics on averages, that includes wealth and cost of living averages. You shouldn’t focus on just averages but the disparity between things like cost of healthcare and general living vs wages. Also being among the lower classes drastically increases your chances to be murdered in the US which isn’t accurately represented in the average national statistics. It’s not as simple as Mexico being a death pit and America is safe.

  • You are trying to defect rather than answer the question. Are you denying that he sent billions in weapons and aid to Israel, sent warships to defend them against potential retaliatiatory attacks, and loudly defended their “right to defend themselves”?

    I’ll answer your deflection question though, just so you have no excuses.

    Yes, many things happen without our permission. Examples from just under Biden, “We” didn’t want china to surpass us in so many metrics and “we” didn’t want Russia to continue to last against Ukraine despite our weapons shipments and sanctions, but ultimately “we” had no say in the outcome. The genocide that Biden (and now Trump) directly assisted in Gaza is just not one of those things.

  • IttihadChe@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlFairy Tales
    2 days ago

    Democrats were all in on the immigrant/crime panic and supported the violent squashing of protests against their genocide. To act like they aren’t also guilty of “punishing of out group and strict social control” is just apologia.

    I don’t see the point of yourblast paragraph…do you believe capitalism is just voluntary exchange and that’s the only way wealth transfer happens? They want your money and they will take it any way they can. Fascism is a form of capitalism…

  • I think it’s definitely weakening.

    The dismatling of organisations like USAID Is a representation of the move away from “soft power” liberalized imperialism to more aggressive outright imperialism.

    Aggressive imperialism i much easier to spot and much harder to defend, both within the imperial countries and within the exploited countries.

    It’s not like America was just “too nice” to do the imperialism outright before, it’s that after decades of direct imperialism it realized that it was much easier to do it less-directly so that was the better focus.

  • Conducting a genocide automatically removes all “progressive” credibility as it’s the worst and least progressive thing you can do.

    Calling him progressive, let alone “The most progressive” is an insult to the very idea of “progress” and legitimizes genocide.

    Grab a piece of paper and list the ways in which he was “progressive” and explain, on paper, how they excuse his genocide. Read it back out loud.

    Also maybe stop insulting people, calling them morons, for not ignoring his genocide.