I use a seedbox abroad and secure ssh to transfer stuff to my own server. Don’t see what additional security a vpn would give me.
I use a seedbox abroad and secure ssh to transfer stuff to my own server. Don’t see what additional security a vpn would give me.
Could just write your tweets in notepad you know. If you don’t want anyone to see what you do.
The blade runner soundtrack is my go to relax soundtrack. Have listened to it thousands of times by now.
Really? Been using a logitech trackball at work for 14 years now. My k750 keyboard lasted me almost 10y until the battery completely gave up and I wanted to upgrade. My Mx keys has lasted me for years since.
Similar stories for my mice, none of them have failed, I’ve only upgraded because I wanted lighter, more/less buttons or for other reasons.
Fair enough. I’m raising my kids in a similar fashion. I dislike the sexual repression in the west (from which I unconsciously still suffer). But I’m still worried about other boys :)
Until your daughter comes home with a boyfriend with a fucked up sense of what sex is and ruins her day/week/month/year/life.
I’m certainly not pro government tracking anything I do, let alone porn watching, but if I see how my own kids get exposed to it through friends. No matter how much I try to educate them, friends still show them absolute vile stuff…
I wanted to vote for them, I did so last time, but they didn’t appear on the ballot in my country this time. Couldn’t vote for them…
Yes, I read it. Outside reputable company found no wrong doing. LTT released a statement. By mentioning the lawsuit, they also shut down speculation that they have a weak position.
OP of that post projects their own horrible experience onto LTT. They add nothing at all to the situation, they don’t offer any new proof whatsoever. Fuck that tbh. I feel sorry for their personal experience, but this has nothing to do with whole Madison story.
When the Madison story came out, I unsubbed from LTT. Always believe the victim. But then more and more info came out that cast quite some doubt on the veracity of the whole story.
Now it sounds more like an employee that had an (maybe very much so for them) unpleasant experience at a company and lashed out. Turns out the work company wasn’t as bad as she made it out to look. Shit happens.
You did see the report they released right? Outside consultant coming to the conclusion no egregious things happened? I’d give them the benefit of the doubt at this point tbh.
Get a cheap new phone number? Your potential employer will find out your identity eventually when you start working there no? What’s the issue with having to use ID to get a new line? You put a fake name on your resume?
There’s things like taking privacy too far you know :)
Been using it for close to 10 years. Never had a single serious issue with it. Apps break now and then. A simple reboot of the server or the app fixes it every single time.
A lot of public torrents download and seed at insane speeds. Like “must be in the same building or even the same disk” speeds.
There not doing a very good job of locking people in tbh. Basically all software runs fine on windows.
Its an absolute non issue to run non MS apps on windows.
Replying from Ubuntu (distro of the month for me) though, so I know other. I wouldn’t say better, just different
Windows is perfectly fine for day to day use. 80% of my PC use (and probably 99% for like most people I know) is in a browser. The remaining 20% is in video games. My browser works 100% the same in Linux as it does in Windows. Video games overall are easier to use in Windows. (I use Steam (90% fine with Linux) and Gamepass, which does not play well with Linux).
But feel free to continue to complain about windows :)
I love how the lemmy FoSS Linux hivemind still down votes you to almost oblivion.
They still haven’t figured out this isn’t reddit. Shouldn’t downvote just because you don’t agree with something my dudes…
Tbh anyone claiming they can’t see the difference between 1080 and 4k on a monitor at a normal viewing distance is being disingenuous or has vision problems. The difference is very very noticeable.
That being said, I find the step from a 60hz to a 120hz monitor a bigger qol improvement than going from 1080 to 4K. But that’s my personal opinion.
To be fair, I’ve been using windows since 3.1. I haven’t paid for windows since xp I think. I got an oem key second hand right around w7 for my desktop. That key has just lasted me all the way to w11. So I haven’t paid ms anything either in decades (except for my personal data I guess?)
Yeah, tbh, the insane focus on privacy makes YouTube a lot worse, no shit. The algorithm just throws shit at the wall hoping it sticks, what do you expect?
Make a burner account only for YouTube. See how the quality goes up because you can follow people you are actually interested in.
I personally really don’t see the privacy risk with that? (then again, I gave up on the idea of true privacy online years ago. Privacy through obscurity is enough. I don’t care big companies recognize my habits, as long as they don’t know 100% exactly who I am.)
I looked into it a few years ago. Eg left thumb locks biometrics and requires pw (thus saving you from this particular law) . Right thumb just unlocks like normal.
Back then it was impossible, because biometrics couldn’t differentiate between fingerprints for lord knows which security reason.
No idea if there is a solution for this already, but imo it would be a very important security feature.
I like tasty gourmet food. But I also like junk.
I genuinely like a big Mac or a domino pizza. Are they as good as a gourmet burger or a wood oven pizza? Not even close. Can I enjoy them regularly? Absolutely.