Doteasy Web Hosting
“MetaGoneMad” social media devolved into chaos. Selfies got replaced with close-up nostril shots. The “like” button exploded into a “passive-aggressive comment” button. Algorithm recommended enemies, not friends. Hashtags turned into full-blown novels. People craved simplicity, but MetaGoneMad embraced absurdity. Society sighed and yearned for a simpler era of actual conversations.
Doteasy Web Hosting
Placement of the oven does not concern me, what does and always do, is that pathetic exhaust fan above it, which may or may not be connected to the outside by a duct, but in either situation, it’s a low quality system that does not even remove 50% of the cooking aroma, it’s like no one has ever figured out how to make one for home use that is effective and not sound like a jet engine. I’ve seen $2 million dollar condos that have that problem.
Quantum computers will make current encryption methods a joke.
Reddit enables more than just racist, it’s a nasty cesspool the like of 4chan, riddled with bots, the CEO himself is a POS.