• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • So you’re annoyed that someone (who took the time to go to a charity shop, list the book online, and ship it to you) charged you the RRP for the book, that you didn’t have to buy from them?

    I hope you have the same kind of energy for when mega-corporations charge anything from tens to thousands of pounds for products that often cost single pounds or even pennies to manufacture (due to underpaying for labour and materials that were in turn manufactured by underpaid labour as well), and the snowballing impact they have on the rest of the economy (by pricing out smaller companies, monopolising industries, avoiding tax, and so on).

    The person you bought this from likely works for themsleves, trolling charity shops all day for bargains, and almost certainly pays tax on their income. I’m as anti-capitalist as they get, but even I can’t take issue with this. If they had charged you more than the RRP, sure, that’d pushing it, but if you didn’t want to pay full price, you should have spent your own time looking for the bargain. ¯\(ツ)

  • If it won’t let me untick all but the essential cookies easily - close tab, move on.

    Recently I realised that some “reject all” options still don’t reject the “legitimate” bullshit, so I now avoid those sites too (and no, I don’t trust that extensions that claim to reject all for me will actually reject all).

    I’ve got better things to do with my time than scrutinise these cookie pop ups and/or go through lengthy lists individually unticking options. Fuck that noise - don’t have minimal respect for users? Then I’m definitely not providing you any of my data (the sites that make it the hardest rarely hold information you can’t easily find elsewhere)…

  • Lmfao, anyone still putting their hopes of abolishing capitalism in electoral politics (or the governments that result, and their actions), at the very least, hasn’t been paying any attention, and has very little to no understanding of how the systems at play work and interact.

    Playing by their rules within their game (this includes not only electoral politics, but also shit like using housing as a commodity, however supposedly noble the intent) is never going to set anyone free from it.

  • This is far more than mildly infuriating, this is actively putting peoples lives at risk, it’s enraging and quite scary, and why disabled and other vulnerable people are continuing to be more isolated than ever.

    Fuck this person and the bullshit they spread. I rarely leave the house, but if I did and someone handed me something like this I’d grab the whole pile and set it on fire, casually roll over their feet with my wheelchair on my way, too (E: actually, scratch that, I wouldn’t want to get that close to the disease vector, even with my mask on).

  • I already mentioned one movie in a reply (Arachnophobia), but another that really sticks out, and which I watched at an even younger age is The NeverEnding Story.

    I remember being around 5 or 6 at a friends’ house, parents just left all the toddlers in the playroom in front of the movie and had their social gathering, meanwhile I’m terrified and hysterically crying my eyes out (I’m sure at least a couple of the other kids were too, but I can’t remember)…
    Artax in the swamp destroyed me completely, and the Darkness and the Sphynx statues, and even Morla scared the living shit out of me (yes, they left us there to watch the entire movie).

    I still can’t bare to watch the swamp scene.