Enthusiastic sh.it.head

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


    1. Pull down the packaging to expose the seal.
    2. If there’s a little ‘extra’ plastic bit attached to the ziplock, pull this and the other side. Using your thumbnail to loosen the seal while doing this can help.
    3. Take a big whiff from the bag, then put your weed in a mason jar with a moisture pak like a decent human being.
    4. Save the bag and bring it back to the dispo if they take empty packaging. It’s probably still going into a landfill, but at least you can say you tried.

    Alternatively, grab a knife or some scissors and skip to step 3.

  • Fantastic trick for getting young kids to sleep - at least, until they get freaked out that someone has the power to induce sleep and fight the technique. Which, in hindsight, fair I guess.

    Tried passing on the trick from a self-hypnosis perspective after that point but it just didn’t take. Interesting stuff though - makes me wonder if I should look into hypnosis from a hobbyist perspective again.

    Edit: Of course, there was also the time I did it with my then girlfriend to induce an a super vivid but otherwise undefined imaginary scene, and butted right against some repressed trauma I was not equipped to handle, aside from lots of hugs and "You’re ok"s. Soooo… this is what I get for hypnotizing people armed only with the experience of being hypnotized once, a self-hypnosis book I played around with as a teen, and a pretty detailed scene from an underground fiction novel, I suppose.

  • I’d ask how you define evil in this case. To me, an act is evil when the net detriment to the planet and its contents (including humans) is greater than the net benefit it creates, and the actor pursues said act knowing this. I’d argue it scales with the nature and context of the act. It’s hard to say this isn’t real. But yes, we all have the capacity for evil, and also can be complicit in other evils by dint of normalized behaviours (without necessarily being ‘evil’ ourselves)

    I do agree that an absolute Evil doesn’t exist, the same way an absolute Good doesn’t exist. But we’re a pile of writhing meat puppets on a moist, moldy rock - we don’t exist on that level in the first place.

  • Atlas Shrugged.

    There are very few books that have left me with a “This is the face of evil” impression. I tried to give it a fair shake, but this one did, alongside the fact that it devolves into stimulant-addled ranting.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not inherently opposed to stimulant-addled ranting - I like On the Road, for instance - but it just left an awful taste in my mouth.

    On the other hand, I enjoyed the Fountainhead, but I was young, usually stoned, and took away an ‘integrity of artistic vision’ interpretation that resonated. I do not know if this would survive a re-read.

  • As Canadians, this should alarm us as well. The U.S is our biggest trading partner, we share the largest land border in the world, our political climate is directly impacted by what goes on to the south, and we have our own growing alt-right movement which the CP is pandering to - taking direct inspiration, if not outright manipulation, from the same elements at play in the U.S.

    We are not immune to any of this. The deeper the U.S. gets into the shit, the more dire the implications for Canadians become. If Project 2025 comes to be, and our government doesn’t play ball with their approach to international relations, we’re fucked. If we DO play ball, we’re probably also fucked in different ways.

  • I’d love to write a really good acid western. So far all I have are daydreams about being a badass old west drifter to the music of Spindrift.

    Edit: I suppose there’s also what I started when I tried (and failed) NaNoWriMo, which was a horror story about a pathogen that made people deranged killers of a spectacular nature. There was a fight in a stained glass factory, that was kinda cool. Should see if the laptop with the draft still boots…

    (If I recall the movie correctly, it was basically The Crazies, but more violent and written before the 2010 version came out [never saw the 1973 version])

  • Lol, fair. I’m still not well versed in inter-service ActivityPub stuff. I don’t know if you’ll see this or see any of the parent comments here on Lemmy.

    Contingency plans if IA loses the appeal about the library stuff, or in general has something happen that puts IA’s collections at risk of being lost. Any thoughts on the matter? Also cool if it’s not something you want to talk about, I know you don’t speak for the whole org.

    How do we archive the archive?