So technical. Such error
Milky Way Galaxy
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So technical. Such error
That doesn’t change the fact that it is possible. Also some people have vacation homes, or use airbnbs that have better wifi speeds, or will be willing to pay for faster hotel speeds. It’s totally possible, but yes, your point stands that connection speeds matter and I would lower expectations if you are traveling.
Hopefully we get some deeper in depth reviews out there in the coming weeks. A lot of these reviewers only had the weekend and rushed these out. SpawnPoiint, which actually had a good review, admitted that during his review period he never even ran down the battery once. And according to Tested’s review it only has a 4-5.5 hour battery life. The Verge article is also not the best review compared to some reviews like Tested, who tested this on multiple different connection speeds. Having read/watched most of these reviews, the Verge one seems to be the lowest effort.
This isn’t true. You can remote play from an outside network that is different from the one your PS5 is connected to provided that your PS5 is in rest mode and your connection at both ends is sufficient.
Fair enough, but it is a decent video guide. I had trouble finding another one that went into as much detail and was step by step
Linus has a full walkthrough video on how to set this up. I followed it and it appears to be working. I run it on my always on PC and set my address as the home for Netflix. Others have android TVs and have been using the app to check in and continue watching “while traveling”. No issues so far. If they stay connected the bandwidth will go through your network, so keep that in mind
I’m really happy for you both!
If you don’t call you’ll continue to grow distant. Be the change you want to see. Reconnect. Life is too short.
Unrelated but your account is labeled as a bot account for me. Might want to check your settings.
Got any more? Been trying to get one
Very cool! I’ll check it out! Thanks
The sources on wikipedia say it was Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer. He noticed a Mr. Goodbar candy bar he had in his pocket started to melt from microwaves from an active radar set he was working on. The first food deliberately cooked was popcorn, and the second was an egg, which exploded.
Here are the direct sources:
If you have a link to the hamster experiment I would love to read more. I might dive into a microwave research hole today! lol
Engineering is a branch of Science. Specifically, Engineering is applied science. For example, scientists discovered that microwaves existed. Engineers made them heat up your food. How did we make safer and better microwaves appliances? Engineers applied the scientific method and iterated on the design and performed tests.
To say engineering is separate from the science is incorrect.
If this was PS5/PS4 streaming but with the ability to play PS3/2/1 games locally, it would kill for $200. And they wouldn’t fracture the PS5 development base, which they are obviously afraid of doing.
Hell, even some modern indie games that don’t use the full PS5 horsepower could have potentially make a PSPortal version for on-the-go gaming.
Adding moonlight support for PC streaming would be cool. And for $100 I would buy this just for shits.
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Limit it to corporations of a certain size then. It’s not people like your friend that are doing the bulk of the damage. It’s large corporations buying up entire neighborhoods to rent them forever.