That’s exactly how I feel about centrists. Curious.
Somewhere in the middle means there’s a middle and side-leaning, yes.
Middle implies middle. If you are leaning towards a side, then you’re side-leaning. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, centrist, that’s what everyone makes fun of ya’ll for.
Similar question to what I posed the other person; do you really think you’ve serviced an equal number of low income and high income customers to back up your conclusions?
A bit difficult to make that claim when I imagine you didn’t know each customers background, noted it down, and accounted for how proportinal your compared groups were.
You’ve dealt primarily with low/middle income customers and you don’t think that sways your “findings?”
You lost me entirely on the last point. That’s pure propaganda, mate.
When the internet is eventually oversaturated with smartbots, where will the humans go.