Bilbo Baggins

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • That’s the thing. Being just as fair doesn’t necessarily imply it’s equally travelled. Even being worn the same doesn’t necessarily mean equally traveled, although it strongly implies it. I think the final line is so certain that it overrides the earlier lines and implies to the unwary reader that these similar paths actually were differently travelled.

    I don’t expect self contradiction in a story / poem. So that certainty of there being a difference overrides all.

    It’s only after reading the author’s intentions that I know for sure that the contradiction was intended and that was actually the point of the poem.

    As I said before, this makes me like the poem even more now.

  • Everything in this thread so far is normal stuff I could have guessed. Guns, metric, tipping, etc. Most of it has large groups of people in the country that agree, or at least know.

    What are some non-obvious things? Culture shock isn’t about major political issues. It’s about universal things that turn out to not be universal.

    For example, US people have a strong culture of how standing in line works. It’s basically a moral sin to butt in line unless you have someone holding your place. This is universal in the country. My understanding is that other countries differ. Is that true?

  • Git is something that is very comfortable to use after a year or two, but when you initially start using it, it is just so easy to mess things up in ways that are unrecoverable. I remember the silly days when I’d back up all my changes first before using git since I would so regularly lose everything through a combination of git commands.

    It’s easy for me now, but the initial stages punish mistakes severely. It’s the dark souls of source control, except it’s not really fun. It’s just a very beginner unfriendly tool.