Maybe because the only “innovations” that can be made to the smartphone is new cameras and new form factors, and only one of those is being focused on
Maybe because the only “innovations” that can be made to the smartphone is new cameras and new form factors, and only one of those is being focused on
It’s not terrorism, it’s 🌟🌍ecoterrorism🌎🌟
Wash it down with a glass of gender fluid
It consists only of “gonk”
Honestly, I never used Paint XP. I’ve only used the modern version.
Well yes, that’s the explanation given for masquerading as a police box from the 60s at all times, chameleon circuits are broken and brakes are stuck on
As someone who enjoys doodling in Paint, this is great
This is why I never invest in any Google product. They have a terrible track record of killing a project months after it was released.
“Atheism” has been appropriated by people with a grudge against religion who wants to destroy it at all costs, and convert all practitionerd of religion to atheism. So, armchair crusaders.
In tomorrows news: Disney decides to invest in AI generated VFX for their movies
I want to find a job that isn’t too much for me and pays well. The search has been on for ages and goes on.
Just wait until it mishears what is in actuality a man with an Irish accent saying the word “neither”
“Looks like you’ll have to pay for Word instead”
A Nintendo Wii with Super Mario Galaxy, it was the first game console I ever owned.
More Nessies mean it’s even more likely one gets documented
Last night Bigfoot was in my back yard eating the grass like a goat. I forgot to document it but it really happened guys!
It’s always sad when you go to a community for something you like, something that’s widely popular, and see the newest post is 2 days old.
It’s a shame that so many people will still use it.