I was gonna answer that it’s both, but now I see that that’s New Latin.
I think you meant descriptivist.
[He/Him, Nosist, Touch typist, Enthusiast, Superuser impostorist, keen-eyed humorist, endeavourOS shillist, kotlin useist, wonderful bastard, professinal pedant miser]
Stuped person says stuped things, people boom
I have trouble with using tone in my words but not interpreting tone from others’ words. Weird, isn’t it?
Formerly on kbin.social and dbzer0
I was gonna answer that it’s both, but now I see that that’s New Latin.
I think you meant descriptivist.
The podcast sourced this:
Mullenweg has publicly challenged companies in the WordPress industry, including those in competition with his own company. He prefers to settle disputes in the court of public opinion and describes his approach as “brinksmanship”, noting that the potential cost of legal action could put Automattic in a “tough spot”.[24]
The first sentence was changed to the following in the interim before I summon the will to attend the podcast again. Haven’t found what it meant originally yet.
On several occasions, Mullenweg has publicly challenged competitors to WordPress and WordPress.com.
Yeah, I understand that. It seems a bit misleading worded that way, though.
click on the arrow to the left of my response to expand it
Actually, as the article says, “octopodes” is older than “octopi” as the real Latin plural; the latter was invented when a bunch of fancy Englishmen saw that pig Latin was in fashion.
Actually no, I was listening to the podcast to try to find facts and polish his Wikipedia article, partly to see what a specific paragraph sourced to the podcast with no timestamp meant.
that’s not what I see in a private tab.
Interesting. I couldn’t find the claim in the video’s sources, though. He also says that only for quotation marks and not for the apostrophe.
Look, the title of the sub is “mildly”. I’m as “bent out of shape” by this as I am about “octopi”.
For apostrophe they just flipped a , upside down
citation needed
He is going to extra lengths just to get it, and even then, it is an apostrophe like how “octopi” is now accepted as a plural form of “octopus”. The straight apostrophe also actually has a unicode name of “apostrophe”, and thus that was its original intention, as opposed to U+2019 being posthumously appropriated.
Mullenweg says he always manually inputs U+2019 for the apostrophe character because “the apostrophe key on the keyboard is actually the prime mark”. In the video, I search the character up, and it’s the right curly single quote, not the apostrophe. This is as infuriating as people saying “octopi”, except they also have to go to an extra mile just to make this mistake. If you want me to elaborate folder, zoom in on the apostrophe in this reply.
All scientists do is substitute ultrahkomplikateed words smh. Modern science is dead /s
It’s productive because it gives free website operators revenue
Water isn’t wet, water wets things, and watered things are wet by the wet but the water ain’t wet as it simply causes wet and thus water isn’t truly wet as water is pure water and pure water isn’t wet and water is not wet and water isn’t wet it’s not wet it’s not wet it’s not dry it’s not wet and it’s not wet it is wet it’s wet and you can see it is wet but it doesn’t look like it it’s dry it’s just wet and it’s wet so I just need it and it’s wet it’s not like it’s dry it’s wet it’s wet so it’s not dry but it’s wet it’s not wet so it’s wet it’s not dry and it’s not dry it’s wet and I just want you know how it was just to be careful that I just don’t know what to say I don’t know what you can tell him I just don’t
In case you were referring to me, how was my comment any of that?
Someone already announced on X that they took the archive down because “NATO bad”