the internet was better when it was anonymous, where you were explicitly and forcefully told that no one should know anything about you but your handle.
the internet was better when it was anonymous, where you were explicitly and forcefully told that no one should know anything about you but your handle.
well, not all of them.
I can think of a handful I would much rather see thrown into a furnace.
Americans cant even agree that fascism=bad, what makes you think Americans can give enough of a fuck about something like hidden fees to get something done.
the driver isnt the person making the fees. they are getting screwed just as much as you are
The greed during covid exploded. especially where companies felt people were stuck/captured, like delivery services.
I wouldnt be surprised if they start dying soon from their short term profits from gouging running out.
“Estimated Taxes” is where they hide all the bullshit made up fees and imaginary taxes that are pure profit and increase profit margin, but if they listed it as “Customer Fuck-over Fee” people would obviously stop using it.
most websites like youtube/twitter/facebook/etc/etc are all heavily pro-right wing.
They’ve claimed in the past they don’t want to appear “biased” by cracking down on right wingers for rules violations. but honestly, it was obviously bullshit since they had no problem with “biased” appearances when cracking down on any other group, and often for far far far less than what right wingers routinely get away with.
Right wingers are where their bread is buttered. They buy more ads, they run less adblocking, and they click more ads.
youtube algo is such a piece of shit.
Watch lets plays and tech channels, every day, for months.
Accidentally watch 30 seconds of a right wing psychopaths video because they buried the lede with the video title, and all youtube wants to show me for 2 weeks is right wing extremist bullshit, and takes months to get back into getting suggested the shit i normally watch on the daily.
Macco’s Razor. The stupidest possible explanation is probably the right answer.
And all of it could have been avoided if google just audited/policed the ads it served. No sane person minds watching a 5-10 second add every 10-20 minutes to support the platform.
But rather than spend money expanding their ad department to audit and police the adds, they are spending gobs and gobs of money trying to force people to see view virus-delivering ads, racist ads, blatant misinformation, etc.
No one wants to be forced to spend 30 minutes watching a pragerU video on how the black man should be grateful for slavery and all the “good” its brought him
But that seems to be the world that google wants.
I didnt even know computer bluray drives existed.
I’ve never, ever seen one advertised.
edit Several hours later edit/clarification.
I knew about basic bluray drives for like…watching movies and shit on.
I just didnt know they ever created Bluray R or RW drives or media. I’d have bought the fuck out of it if I had known (and it wasnt stupidly priced)
you right. done.
the overwhelming bulk of the internet is made up of idiots, who seethe and hiss at anyone that has two functional neurons to produce a spark of intelligent thought with.
Nah, musks to much of a manly man to be bothered by it.
Adrian Dittman might lose his goddamn mind, however.
I’m sure there will be a federal giveaway of money for internet providers to expand their networks to rural users to solve this problem…and they totally won’t just keep the money, give ti to executives as bonuses, and refuse to do the work or anyhting.
Because the courts in America have proven how much they care about rule of law and procedure when it comes to rich offenders lately…
LTT fans are in complete meltdown over big mean steve pointing out that Linus seemingly discovered this and stayed completely quiet about it.
Linus seems to had a big hissy fit about the whole subject of Honey on his WAN show, too.
Reknown Dog Rapist and Facebook Founder Mark Fuckerberg goes hard right after relationship issue, sucks up to other small dick energy losers like Musk and Turmp to validate himself.
Been here 2 years. Its just as easy to use as its always been.
I dont know where this sudden anti-lemmy “OMG ITS TOO HARD TO USE CAUSE WORDS ARE HARD I PREFER (insert site with same exact fucking usability” misinformation/propaganda has come from in the past few weeks, but its patently absurd and obviously fake.