• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • But, without disruptive new products, sales seem to be stuck in a muted place. And the next swing at big disruption, Vision Pro, starting next year, feels a like a slow build, initially.

    Fuck stock market analysts. In one sentence it’s “they don’t innovate.” In the next sentence it’s, “they innovate, but I want them to do it faster.”

    How often can you expect a single company to disrupt entire markets? These expectations are not sustainable.

  • The links from that post and top comment point out that that initiative was dropped. It got mired down in bikeshedding from hundreds of opinions and SO eventually just said, “Fuck it.”

    The MIT announcement thread was edited with the cancellation announcment:

    Update: January 15, 2016

    Thank you for your patience and feedback. The changes proposed here have been delayed indefinitely - we’ll be back later to open some more discussions.

    The top comment from your link points out the current license:

    TL;DR: Source code on SO is still licensed under CC-BY-SA.

    And CC BY-SA is the only license listed on the official help page.

    • Content contributed before 2011-04-08 (UTC) is distributed under the terms of CC BY-SA 2.5.
    • Content contributed from 2011-04-08 up to but not including 2018-05-02 (UTC) is distributed under the terms of CC BY-SA 3.0.
    • Content contributed on or after 2018-05-02 (UTC) is distributed under the terms of CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • Communism =/= leftism. It’s an extreme form of socialism.

    My biggest problem isn’t even the communist ideals. Have your ideas, that’s fine. I don’t care.

    My problem is the amount of people coming into post comments attacking American Imperialism® on posts that aren’t even related to communist ideals or, sometimes, that don’t even mention America. It gets tiring reading how much America sucks when that’s not even the point of the post.

  • For those not clear, AppleTalk was created at a time where there was no universal standard in networking. The “standard network” you think of today, a bunch of computers plugged into a router, existed but wasn’t the de-facto setup. There was still experimentation going on.

    Apple ported some of the AppleTalk features, such as Network Discovery, into Bonjour which was introduced in 2002. Once that became mature, there was no reason to keep AppleTalk around.