Mr. Satans Methpipe sir, with all due devil respect, but you have no idea what I’m doing with these points in the metaverse, where they mean a lot. But thanks for the devilish concern.
Looks like I forgot the /s but yeah, there’s some really shitty stuff on the metaverse but I believe it’s got a future once some things are sorted out. Like the Fediverse.
Hey fuck you man. Alright? Let us have our shitty things without the guilt. /s
Edit: added “/s” at 15 downvotes. Let’s see if we can turn these numbers around. /s
Just a heads up: internet points don’t matter at all. They have no bearing on real actual life. You can relax.
Mr. Satans Methpipe sir, with all due devil respect, but you have no idea what I’m doing with these points in the metaverse, where they mean a lot. But thanks for the devilish concern.
Lol carry on I guess.
At least you know it’s shitty…
Looks like I forgot the /s but yeah, there’s some really shitty stuff on the metaverse but I believe it’s got a future once some things are sorted out. Like the Fediverse.
The mediverse is a thing now? Like people log onto it? I thought it was just a failed concept.
No shame in liking what you like. Roblox is a metaverse and lots of people play on that.
You didn’t self censor your obvious humor??? You’re on social media! 🤨
The rules on the Fediverse are different I thought? No?