Prisons are fucking full. All that’s happening is they’re chucking out prisoners THAT SHOULD BE IN JAIL to make space incase there’s riots. They need to built more jails ffs
Exceedingly few. Generally less than a percent of a percent of violent offenders, and even then mental health arrest and evaluation/experimentation is better for everyone involved.
Norway’s approach to criminal reform. Exceedingly few criminals end up never getting out, despite being reviewed regularly. In general all science first approaches to criminal justice state explicitly that prison or jail time without reform programs only increases the likelihood that someone will offend again, and those reform programs are the way to reduce harm, not just separating someone from society which does little to nothing.
Yes I agree, although id be surprised if the percentages you gave were accurate. The reality is that we can’t do that overnight, there’s massive organisational and cultural issues. So for now, we need to build more prisons
Prisons are fucking full. All that’s happening is they’re chucking out prisoners THAT SHOULD BE IN JAIL to make space incase there’s riots. They need to built more jails ffs
The solution to crime is never more jails or prisons
I agree. But the key to stopping harm posed by some offenders is jail.
Exceedingly few. Generally less than a percent of a percent of violent offenders, and even then mental health arrest and evaluation/experimentation is better for everyone involved.
Where are you getting those statistics from?
Norway’s approach to criminal reform. Exceedingly few criminals end up never getting out, despite being reviewed regularly. In general all science first approaches to criminal justice state explicitly that prison or jail time without reform programs only increases the likelihood that someone will offend again, and those reform programs are the way to reduce harm, not just separating someone from society which does little to nothing.
Yes I agree, although id be surprised if the percentages you gave were accurate. The reality is that we can’t do that overnight, there’s massive organisational and cultural issues. So for now, we need to build more prisons