The Federal Communications Commission voted 3–2 to impose net neutrality rules today, restoring the common-carrier regulatory framework enforced during the Obama era and then abandoned while Trump was president.

The rules prohibit Internet service providers from blocking and throttling lawful content and ban paid prioritization.

“Consumers have made clear to us they do not want their broadband provider cutting sweetheart deals, with fast lanes for some services and slow lanes for others,” FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said at today’s meeting.

    6 months ago

    At least yoi are not at mercy of managment company. I don’t know how in USSA, but here before ammendments to Communication Law, you had to initiate general homeowners meeting and vote to allow ISP to place their equipment in condo/multi-flat unit/whatever you call it. The hardest part was not getting votes for it, but getting enough people to vote.