A scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory replied to my email with a curt, please don’t waste my time again. The head of the Physics Department at the University of Miami dropped Bob’s research paper like it was radioactive. He receives one of these papers each week, he said. It turns out, there is a whole community of people out there who also claim to have disproved Einstein’s theory. So persistent are these outsiders that John Baez, a Professor of Mathematics in California, felt compelled to publish the crackpot index. It’s an online quiz you can take to see if you are, by his definition, a crackpot.

From https://www.thisamericanlife.org/293/transcript

  • LesserAbe@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Thanks, came to post the same thing. Here’s the Wikipedia article. Anyone wanting to read the transcript for the This American Life story the relevant section is about 3/4 down.