I’m still annoyed with how verbose Objective-C is. Just check out what one has to do to create and concatenate a string. Madness:
NSString * test = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"This is a test string."];
NSString * test2 = [test stringByAppendingString:@" This value is appended."];
And god forbid you want to concatenate two things to a string:
NSString * test3 = [test1 stringByAppendingString:[test2 stringByAppendingString:@" Adding a third value."]];
This has likely been done intentionally for humour’s sake, but take a look at some of the names in Apple’s AppKit framework, like https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nspreviewrepresentingactivityitem
I’m still annoyed with how verbose Objective-C is. Just check out what one has to do to create and concatenate a string. Madness:
NSString * test = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"This is a test string."]; NSString * test2 = [test stringByAppendingString:@" This value is appended."];
And god forbid you want to concatenate two things to a string:
NSString * test3 = [test1 stringByAppendingString:[test2 stringByAppendingString:@" Adding a third value."]];
That page is giving me a 403