A site similar to 12ft.io but is self hosted and works with websites that 12ft.io doesn’t work with.
How does it work?
It pretends to be GoogleBot (Google’s web crawler) and gets the same content that google will get. Google gets the whole page so that the content of the article can be indexed properly and this takes advantage of that.
If you’re on Firefox on desktop/laptop, check out Bypass Paywall [0]. It was removed from the firefox add-on store due to a DMCA claim [1], but can be manually installed (and auto updates) from gitlab. The dev even provides instructions on how to add custom filters to uBlock Origin [2], so you don’t have to add another extension but still get some benefit.
[0] https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean
[1] https://winaero.com/mozilla-has-silently-removed-the-bypass-paywalls-clean-add-on-from-amo/
[2] https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-clean-filters