I take my own unsweet tea to work in a thermos. If that runs out, I drink the bottled water they provide.
These are the same people that bitch about the plastic waste in Keurig pods.
I take my own unsweet tea to work in a thermos. If that runs out, I drink the bottled water they provide.
These are the same people that bitch about the plastic waste in Keurig pods.
Take it out and practice, test. Just move around while you do so.
If you’re in a situation where you have to you a jammer, you’re already in a lot of trouble. This is not a device for kids to fart around with at home.
Styrofoam and unleaded make fair napalm. Doesn’t explode, but it won’t stop burning. Ya know, unlike a traditional Molotov cocktail.
I suspect that people who don’t know me can’t guess my political bent. No one ever throws so much as a quip at me, yet I hear people comment to other strangers.
Middle-aged white guy, dresses redneck when I’m working or playing outside, yet kinda “hip”, long hair.
Spend $20-$30 and you can have a rock and roll light.
This is my latest, of, uh, many lights. I’m a bit of an addict.
Already joined us?
Yeah, but they’re not going to deploy expensive tech to low-end stores. Margins at places like that are so thin, I’d guess running this system would break the bank.
There’s an old Indian story about a rich man who gives every beggar he sees a coin, until he has no more coins and is a beggar himself.
How much good did that man do by frittering away his wealth? You’re surely familiar with the adage, “It takes money to make money.”
Would you have a man like Gates blast out all his wealth, and then be unable to produce more to continue his philanthropy? Would you have him shut down his disease eradication and vaccination programs so as to not be an evil billionaire? Would that somehow clear his conscience? Or would it merely make you feel better?
Some of you have the financial sophistication of sophomores. And by “some”, I mean you [email protected].
I’d put Putin and Netanyahu above Trump. Let the hard right see it coming. They would believe it was a coincidence, continue on with Musk. Let them see the circle tighten. Hit Kim Jong-un and Xi to let them know it’s not a Western thing.
Roll on with the AfD actors, Nazis be damned. Still not cluing in? Start with the remainder of your list, roll.
Can we do a mass hit on the January 6th rebels? No? OK. Start with Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, 39, of Miami, Florida. And never stop until… Every. Last. Motherfucking. One. Of. Them. Is. Dead.
Spare Trump. Leave him shaking in his high-heeled loafers. Let him live in FEAR.
Call your local Habitat for Humanity, go to the next meeting. That’s how I got my mortgage, changed my life forever.
How the hell you gonna work like that and not just cook your own patty?!
I don’t care about changing hearts and minds. That time is long past. I want them afraid to express fascism in public. Is that too much to ask? Yes, for losers and pansies it is.
target every car with a Trump sticker
Yes. Make them afraid to voice their political opinion.
“What are we gonna do? Spray paint every car with a Confederate flag?”
Yes. 00-buck if you got it.
a jump from an estimated average of 2,179 to 3,246 posts containing hate speech per week
Either way, that’s a drop in the bucket of total weekly posts for a global, popular, social media platform. I must be missing something dumb, help?
“Preaching to the choir” means to try to convince people of something they already believe, essentially wasting time by expressing an opinion to those who already agree with you; it implies talking to a group who is already persuaded and doesn’t need further convincing.
We have this in Florida. Haven’t signed on as I’m continually trying to slash my bill, get more eco friendly.
LOL, no. Are you just making up hypothetical scenarios? FFS, even our crappy, private power company doesn’t pull that shit, even in Florida.
I have a pet pig. Please come demonstrate.
You’re thinking of dogs, and to a lesser extent, cats. They evolved with us to be more communicative. For example, dogs have far more facial muscles and muscle types.