They very much do not believe that open source means safe or private. They have a tons of articles talking about the hurdles they have gone through to try and ensure they are, and where and when they have failed to do so.
They very much do not believe that open source means safe or private. They have a tons of articles talking about the hurdles they have gone through to try and ensure they are, and where and when they have failed to do so.
There has been a lot of greatness in US, but the people fighting the good fights seem to be losing right now. Just slowly, a little year by year. Hopefully this a kick in the pants too fucking far and we wake the fuck up and see we have to actually do something about it.
There is a decent push for unions to try and sync their contract negotiations to 2028 right now. https://socialistcall.com/2024/07/15/are-we-up-for-a-general-strike-in-2028/
We have laws prohibiting general strikes so we have to have work arounds to be fully effective.
For directly working class facing work Im in favor of people working, helping and serving each other but just refusing to do work related to taking payments. Maybe hand them food in the first window and have the next window just say closed on strike.
The largest tech sector union I know of is the Tech Workers Coalition that got a shout out last year at the DefCon keynote. Which I feel with the tech oligarchy and a fascist government working towards a public private partnership is more needed now then ever.
I’m commenting via Tor now. It’s not that bad
Chris Titus on YouTube had a decent break down of some the technical points he liked more about it.
This bit I feel like is the best explanation of what people mean when they say this.
I do it with k3s right now on fedora. I like it personally.
Nice thing if you use k8s settings up persistent net storage with something like longhorn is an option too.
We’re social creatures. We need things to talk about so we seek out info on shared interests. “The news” has the added benefit of feeding into a self belief about being civic minded person.
I think it’s ok to have an area of study be a hobby, but if you want to be an activist find something you can actually engage in. If you can’t create real value on the thing. Swing a hammer, shovel, paint, move goods, create program, or one degree away helping coordinate people actually doing that, don’t worry about it. It’s a time suck, and we all have better things to actually do.
The news is full of time sucks like that. Just worrying things you have no responsibility or possible action to deal with. It’s worth occasionally glances to see if there is an interesting hobby you want to pick up or if there a cause you want to engage in, but if your good there I wouldn’t bother.
Incumbent wants everyone to talk about how great things are.
Harvester cluster my everything. I really want to play around with having my servers being stationary, a togo cluster (laptops, and UPS in a suit case), and PC all in the same cluster.
Right now they are all segmented rke2 clusters, but Harvester should make running vms way easier too.
Spatial compute seems cool still. VR raves are sick VR to let people with some disabilities experience more social scenes and some enhanced forms of remote work are very cool to me.
There was a metaanalysis paper that suggested that saturated fats alone were not highly correlated with heart disease.
Same paper recommend a high fiber diet over a high carb or high protein diet. Which tracks tbh
It should be considered an obligation to be met in the bankruptcy process. If they sell the IP for the product the purchaser should have to meet it. Failing that the users should be given the IP rights (opensource would meet this def to me) then.
In just world at least
Huh, so I’ve always disliked funkopoops but just because I didn’t like the mass production design and they were made in China with no evidence trying not to be made with slave labor.
Now I have a new reason
It’s not the US. Those aren’t Americans. He’s putting America first and above places like Taiwan.
China was SO scared of us though, knocking in their boots, that he was able negotiate THE BEST trade deal with China. Since ever. No other country has ever had as good as deal, and he negotiated out of old deals with Taiwan that were making us poor
Or some BS like that.
He can’t just be tough on China he has to “win”.
Idk the economy crashed during his presidency and people still believe it was Bidens fault and a return to unchecked mergers, dumping debt into the economy, and trade wars will help.
It’s not about reality it’s about the story.
Trump isn’t given enough ego bait from China to not rally against them to feed his base. If he can spin it as “the beat deal” he will do it.
Distrobox. Building weird projects is nicer when I can start from a fresh system each time.
For real. People don’t understand how powerful targeted propaganda is. A lot of the most radical and armed in the US were intentionally targeted so now all of their media, friends, friends media are all saying the same thing and telling them everything else is a lie.
This story for example is, on the right, just the Democrats and deep state trying to Elon now that he is exposing REAL corruption.
We are arguing different facts, arguably because so much of media is just “trusted sources” instead of anything verifiable anymore