Also Android has an option to allow numbers that call you twice in 15 minutes to get through as well, which they would do anyway if there is an actual emergency, and someone is really trying to reach you asap.
Also Android has an option to allow numbers that call you twice in 15 minutes to get through as well, which they would do anyway if there is an actual emergency, and someone is really trying to reach you asap.
Way too many apps implement a hide/mute functionality and then call it a “block”, though.
If I block someone, I don’t want to simply hide their messages from my view, I want them to not be able to see and interact with mine. It should be a restraining order, not just sticking your fingers into your own ears and shouting “LALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” while they continue to shout slander to anyone passing by.
Sources say.
Because the United States Board on Geographic Names now says so, as demanded by Trump by Order No. 3423. They are the government body that defines what places are officially called.
But unless you are a US federal employee, as Nick Fury once said, “I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”
Yeah, out of all the generative AI fields, voice generation at this point is like 95% there in its capability of producing convincing speech even with consumer level tech like ElevenLabs. That last 5% might not even be solvable currently, as it’s those moments it gets the feeling, intonation or pronunciation wrong when the only context you give it is a text input, which is why everything purely automated tends to fall apart quite fast.
Especially voice cloning - the DRG Cortana Mission Control mod is one of the examples I like to use.
First people didn’t really understand computers, so we taught about them to children - back in late 90’s when I was in school, we had a few school years of dedicated computer classes every week.
People then started to assume kids just “know” computers (“digital native” and all that) and we stopped teaching them because hey, they know it already.
And now we are suddenly surprised that kids don’t know how to use computers.
£120 for 12 months means the price for every 1 hour is £0.014. I guess they could be generous and give and refund the entire day - a whopping £0.33 :p
LLM is a type of a machine learning model, which is a type of artificial intelligence.
Saying LLMs aren’t AI is just the AI Effect in action.
Something that pretends or looks like intelligence, but actually isn’t at all is a perfectly valid interpretation of the word artificial - fake intelligence.
Notice this place? Lemmy?
The place made because "Fuck the white supremacist Reddit admins, want me to set up a self hosted one for /r/communism?"
That place?
Making stuff up is the entire function of an LLM, they are predictive text generators that string words together based on how the algorithm predicts a human would given the same input to produce a plausible answer. Not the correct answer necessarily, only one that feels like it could have been written by a human.
Censoring or controlling them in a way people would want to or expect companies to do is basically impossible because it would require them to actually be able to understand what they are talking about in the first place.
BT 5 has max bandwidth of 2Mbps, which would in theory be enough for “CD quality”, i.e 44.1khz/16 bit raw uncompressed audio, as that’s around 1.4Mbps. In real life conditions it isn’t. AFAIK aptX lossless gets close by doing some compression.
But if you go full audiophile levels and start demanding lossless 192khz 24 bit audio, that’s 10Mbps and not even remotely possible over BT no matter what you’d try.
It would still need to be a turret with a focused beam as drone controls operate on the same frequency range as wifi and bluetooth so if you still want those to work in the building you can’t just fill the air with enough noise to block a drone. And if you want to stop one on auto-pilot you need to scramble GPS signals which would be a very bad idea when nearest airport just 3 miles away with one one the runways aligned directly with the White House. And even that’s all just assuming it’s actually using standard frequencies and not something custom.
So while anti-drone systems don’t go BRRRT, they can still end up looking like something that could.
Actual film doesn’t work like that (35mm or 70mm IMAX for example), but you are correct that most cinemas these days are digital and they use “1080p” (more accurately DCI 2K which is 2048×1080 when the aspect ratio is 1.90:1). There are a few that do 4K, but overall not that many.
The main reason that’s enough for cinema though is that those “1080p” films are like 500GB with very little compression displayed through a DLP projector, so they look a heck of a lot better than showing a blu-ray through a massive TV with palm sized pixels.
Middle names are a neat backup you can use if you want to be slightly more anonymous as they are still your legal names after all.
Back when my mum went for (alcohol) rehab, she used one of her middle names instead.
Companies that aren’t profitable get bought all the time for ridiculous amounts of money not because they currently make boatloads of money, but because they have a huge userbase and brand recognition, and the buyer thinks they are the geniuses that can make it do that. Yahoo paid 1.1 billion for Tumblr - since sold to wordpress for 3 million - and Musk 44 billion for Twitter - now worth a fraction of that - for example.
That is exactly why they often go to shit only after they have been bought.
Fwiw, Honey did around $100 million in revenue back in 2018. That’s 40 times less than what they were bought for, and that isn’t even profit, but just how much money they received before all their business expenses were paid.
Depends when all of that functionality was added in. Honey started as a legit coupon scraping extension back in 2012, and was sold to PayPal in 2020. Somewhere in the last 12 years, someone got a bit too greedy.
Reminds me of the story of AdBlock - helpful extension gets a huge market share, people get greedy, it gets sold to a for-profit, and starts doing shady deals with the people it’s supposed to be “working against”.
They are also frequency-hopping, meaning they constantly switch what part of the band they use, and there are a few rc radio protocols use a dual frequency system for redundancy. FRsky has one that does 2.4Ghz and 900Mhz at the same time.
So to make sure you are jamming all (commercial) drones, you need to deafen everything from ~850Mhz up to 5.9Ghz.